In other news, I think Mint C and Mai went on a double date trip with their respective boyfriends recently. Ter and Mai didn't post any pics together, but based off of his solo shots, he's with the trio.
I love their friendship! Mint really is friends with at least a person in every corner of the entertainment which makes sense as she's very extroverted.
Ter and Pupa aren't lookers, but they sure are eye catching in terms of the soft gentleman aura and goofiness they have. I remember I know I liked him for her, when he was following alongside her bts of margie's wedding holding her purse and then not long ago switching his shoes off for her to wear instead of whatever she had on in that moment. As a fan, I love how good he is to her! And for being together this long, they're not a flashy couple which I love. Like previously said, they've been together for some but I don't think he dad until the last 2 or so years that they were more together on social media. Probably bc Mint is adult enough now in her parent's eyes with her being the only daughter lmao