There's a rumour that Kwan's bf's mother doesn't approve of her. Saying that she's displeased with Kwan's behavior. The "tea" is that Kwan stays at the hotel (which belongs to the guy's family) a lot and runs up the bills. Then tells them to bill it to her bf. She's acting like she's another owner by trying to interfere with management.

Let's see what her mom will say to this news.
There's drama about Thissa and PJ wearing the same hat. The hat belongs to Thissa and I guess PJ borrowed it. So ppl were wondering if they're dating now. Thissa gave an interview and says they're "just friends" and are still getting to know each other. - I think it's not going to happen between them. When she talks about PJ there's no shyness at all. She's literally referring to a friend.