OMG..i thought i was the only one..i skipped til the end just so i can find out who kill who..

Also that one with PAT and POr .. pat and film with num and those korean wannabe..something moon..i hate the boring..draggy.. and FREAKING ANNOYING..
song rao nirunddon--might go against the majority of this lakorns viewers, but i thought this was a snoozer and i didn't buy the "heart wrenching sadness." nothing good really happens, no real chemistry between ken and aom. the secondary story was useless, they suddenly get together she sick- he's sad...nothing in between built into that for was too contrived...for me, the lakorn that should've gotten recognition was nung nai was just better produced
nang sao jin jai---can they be more redundant--scam, scam, and more scam it was just a silly lakorn...tik i think is really overrated and unnatural in his acting---it was cute and funny in some parts but overrall a big let down with two of the "sexiest" people in thailand...had nothing to show for it
Egg lakorn with Kob and brook...boring and annoying
hahha..i dislike most of those true like you said..
Current list:
Poot pit rukter..something like that with start oky..and then it drag..and it got boring..
Sanya with POR and Aom..omg..can't it get any more boring than this..
Huajai Chocolate..TOO boring..and TOOO CORNY and too long and tooo point to it..
also that one RUK NIRANGDO..something like that..i hate that lakorn.i didnt' even feel sorry for their love..

..what a waste of time for going out ..
Dan and Janie (the vietnam one)'s so boring..i didn't even finish it.. of my hated list..i never like that lakron and dislike i tried to avoid most of her lakorns because she's so stiff and suck at her acting plus her VOICE is freaking annoying..
Ban RUK DOK MAI - okay now that's one stupid childish lakorn..
Janie and KEN - kongchai something where he's a kongjai and she's this tomboy's so boring..didnt' evn finish it..
Ying Glierd Ying Ruk Tur..- it start out okay, but it drag and it get to no point..TA annoyed the heck out of me with that hairstyle..the hair have got to go.. the love chemistry suck!..
TALAY JAI - of my hate por's boring..can't complain anymore..BORING is good enough..
KoomGum 2 - definitely suck even though Donut and Dan are cute..too draggy and he's too young for that role too..
TWIN AOM - that lakorn suck..
TWIN CAPTAIN- that even suck more than TWIN AOM..i can't stand it..
Peper and Fang - BuagRuk* Pepper and ANN wangnaowon..
ANDREW AND BUA - Sadoot Ruk - first episode kill my anticipation..
PAUL AND AUM --can't remember the title but at first she thought he was her real half the theme song..but the whole lakron suck..can't stand it..
PAUL / YARDTIP / PLOY- dont' know why..but nothing seem intersting to me.. (probably cuz Ch5. constatnly have past love story which have almost the same plot but diffrent character..which broguth me to the one with NAMFON and Pong..)
too many to list...