Darvil (aka Green Boy)
was captured many a days ago. due to his disobedient nature and profane gesture of "weak sauce" towards dictator D, he has been beheaded once along with another slave boy (name kept anonymous but is synonomous with TNT) down there.
ur too sexy for clothesstill no clothes on me d?? gosh..lol at least throw in ken for me or something..lol
hahhaha we love u too dear joey...feel free to join in on the action anytime and spread ur adorabilityOh my god! I love you two! This is so lovable!
Keep it up, I LOVE IT like crazy! *Wink.
*dialing 777-HOT EMPRESS!* naaai, this is too hot for even me to handle, i don't think i can breathe anymore......*faints* :drool: