Well, I got it 2 weeks ago...but anyways...it's an easy job sorta...well it's a job I've always wanted...the kind where you don't have to rush and work to sweat for the min wage.

After my trip from Cali, I applied for 2 jobs online, and then a few minutes later, one called for an interview. ^-^
Stupid me. I'm REALLY bad w/ directions or where places are, since I don't go out...and um I'm not allowed out. So I thought that place was right smack down the road from the house, next to where my sis works. But um, turns out it's on the other side. Just 1 minute further than where my sister works, but that's 1 minute too far. T__T
I'm currently employed at CVS. if you guys don't know what that is, it's a drugstore. I don't think the west coast has CVS?? But it's like riteaid. Today, I was sooo stressed.

I was talking to myself, saying to just quit, that this job wasn't for me. It's a good job, but the people...they throw you out there and expect you to learn it on your own. I mean, I can DO that, but I can't do it without making mistakes first to learn. But I can't risk making mistakes. So I've been working w/ a shift superviser. Umm...basically, he just leaves me at the front and then does whatever. I dont' know what he does, but he looks sooo busy, always running around. So whenever I needed him at the front, he always seem like he didnt want to come up front. Never smiling...only to customers (because it's a MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST). -sigh-
When I was employed, another guy was employed too. At the interview, the manager said she was hiring 2 ppl, and see how they work, then she's going to keep the hardworking one. I was confident then. But when I got to work this morning, I was filling in for the other new guy, while he filled my shift.We switched because it worked out better...but my manager didn't know because she hadn't been there for a few days. So yeah, I show up and she sorta seem stress because I didn't know how to start up the photo machine. Well, she didn't know how either and so we had to call someone else.
(Off topic, but I kinda expect the Manager to know how to do everything. :\ I know they're there to make sure we do our job right, but then how would they know we're doing our job right if they don't even know how to do it?! The photo machine is one of the main thing in the store, but she didn't know how to work it????!!!)
Anyways, so yeah I lost confidence since the other new guy probably knew how to start up the machine and all. So that means he's more hard working...and knew more. I was thinking "oh this is the worst working day ever....ever ever everrrrr...can't be worst than this.........." I had a hard time putting sticker sale prices on the items because, where the hell are they!? So it took me a while to find the products w/ the matching number. Then the manager walks by and says, "You're doing a great job!" And I was thinking...wth? are you sure? errrr
Later when the new guy came in, turns out he didn't know how to do the photo machine either, so I don't know what the hell the manager was expecting since she scheduled him to open. So we're just about equal.

Blah, I don't want to compete much. He's a nice guy. Well, everyone there is nice...I guess I just get mad when I'm scheduled to work w/ that shift superviser guy. Everyone else is always helping and willing to teach. I'm feeling better now. But I might quit in November, since it's important that I don't work on those holidays...I don't know if I'd be able to take off. If I can't take off, I'd have to quit. =D I just feel like the environment's not for me...and I don't know how I'd be able to get along w/ my coworkers...we're around the same ages sorta...but they just seem all so grown up compared to me. huahuahuahua
Back in za hut (pizza hut where I worked for over a year), I hated it the first few months. I was willing to die than to work (well I still am willing to die than to go to school hahahahaaha). I hated working there and I dreaded every single second of it. But then when I started to make friends there, I always wanted to go to work! I even go to work when I'm not scheduled! It was "the hang out" place for me and my sis. hahaha Everyone was great, and everyone loved me. ^__^ *special* ahaha But things just went down hill when we got new management. That new fucker. Thinking he's the shit. So I walked out on a busy night...I wanted them all to suffer, since my friends and sister quit already due to his fucking attitude. But damn, they called another pizza hut place and had them send THE BEST COOK EVER to come work for them that night to replace me. Dammit. ahaha that cook's really good. She doesn't speak english much, but she works so fast and accurate. So they survived that night. <_<
In conclusion, I want to sleep.

I woke up at 2.40something AM because, I don't know why. I just "woke up" and then I felt my nose bleed...and then yeah I knew why I woke up then.

(I usually wake up a few seconds before my nose bleeds if it has to bleed...do u guys do this?

) It was bleeding badly...but not as bad as previous times...It was just dripping really fast. Usually, it spills out. but yeah T_T spitting out blood every second because there's no room in my nose for all the blood. After an hour, I was wondering why my blood's not clotting. It usually clots already so it helps stop the bleeding, but it was only clotting a LITTLE. 30 minutes later, I was spitting out chunks of blood clots thinking, "Ah there they are." HAHAHA wtf right? -__- They usually come out my nose, so it was weird that it was coming out of my mouth. And then later, I threw up a little because I dont know why, and there was a chunk of dark dark dark dark ass chunk of blood clot. T___T I wanted something to drink soooo bad, but my mouth was full of blood, and both my nostrils were plugged up because it was bleeding out through both. Hahah this was the time when I wish I had tampons so I can shove it up there (saw it in a movie HAHA).
And then it didn't stop bleeding until 5 am. T____T

You should see my bag of blood. HAHAHAHA jk um, I didn't want to waste anymore water because I usually lean over a sink or toilet and let my blood go through there. But it uses up a lot of water, esp since my nose bleeds for hours. So yah, I just used up over half a toilet paper roll and leaned over a trash bucket. I triple bagged that shietz so whoever sees it, won't think a murder just took place.

And this is the reason why I can't give blood no matter how much I want to. They'll take my blood, and then minutes later, I might just bleed myself to death with my nose. haahahhaah Plus, :\ I don't think my blood is good if I bleed this much.
Stupid crap, my nose doesn't bleed when I want it to (like when I want to leave school or leave work LOL). It always bleeds at home only.
----end of rant----
yay a long post. Ummmmmm...i want to post more...but i want to sleep...but i can't since...um
anyways, I have a new sister in law now. ^-^ But I feel bad for her because she's part of this family now.

Good luck to her.