I recommend the lakorns for those who are interested in family complications. For those looking for lovely dovey plotlines just simply don’t watch, although there will be
little scenes with na’ek and pra’ek from time to time.
Here's the direct link:
Yak Hai Khao Roo (Opening Theme)
Click to Download]
Jai Mee Mai (Ending Theme)
Click to Download]
It seems in these version there isn't any alterations. Kob still sounds good.
Kob hasn’t found out yet that the guy she likes is the son of the Man her mother is seeing. This Monday’s episode, Kob will finally confront her mother, and na’rai will suspect that Vee being unfaithful, he hasn’t thrown away Mintra’s business card.
For those who are feeling heavy hearted, here's some scene to look forward to (feature in the teasers). :
Another seductive scene. Shower scene...What is Vee doing to Kob?
Possible kiss scene...
Comfort scene...
Kiss scene...
They're not in any particular order.