Mafia Tee Rak-(Methamahaniyom)


sarNie Oldmaid
Juz wondering is tis the lakorn thread w/ the most pages??

cuz i did a quick check w/ Oum Ruk / Kah Tah Pee / Song Rao Nirundon...LOL...and Oum Ruk onlie had 63 pages...LOL...tat'll be cool...this will be Sarn's Longest Lakorn Thread...let's start a record tingies...LOL


Lakorn Obsesser
Oh! Goodness are u foe reals...tat's sick then..wat happened 2 Pitta..better be Por Jr. or someting..but if theirs no Krit & Pat then i'll pass..esp cuz i'm not a fan of Por...sorrie...

Nolee..i thought they looked odd 2gether too but it'll get better wen the lakorn goes on..Krit&Pat didn't grow on me until like episode 8 or someting like tat then i wuz like noting else but Krit & Pat Pat & Krit...LOL..i dunno..maybe ur type of lakorns are different...
i'm that is sick and also their little kid is gonna get raped by a mafia guy that likes her... even worse. they should leave it as is.

I think Kol Ruk Game Payabat had like a lot more pages, right? But yeah. If we had posted this thread longer then we would have gotten more we didn't post it here till like 2-3 months after we certain :lol: .

seriously, i think kol ruk game payabat had like 100 pages cuz of all the excitement with the story line and all.


sarNie Oldmaid
are u serious...**mouth-dropped** i didn't even tink to check tat thread cuz i didn't even tink it wuz one of the long as there is Chakrit in thea..yeeey! hey! let's start tat thread in the thai section..and start the record tingies....

Kol Game..LOL..i went through the whole tooks soo long for the lakorn 2 aired..i'm glad i watched it afterwards or else i would have died...


Lakorn Obsesser
lol how long was it?

are you serious? lol you want to start a thread for it :lol: .

pretty sure mafia could top it... just 20 pages to go, right? then we'd be top


sarNie Granny
Juz wondering is tis the lakorn thread w/ the most pages??

cuz i did a quick check w/ Oum Ruk / Kah Tah Pee / Song Rao Nirundon...LOL...and Oum Ruk onlie had 63 pages...LOL...tat'll be cool...this will be Sarn's Longest Lakorn Thread...let's start a record tingies...LOL

Lhong Ngao Jun got 63,192 views and 113 page :p it was like monkey hanging from the tree and they did extended 4 eps :lol: and the lakorn got lots of member hype up


sarNie Granny
LOL. Yes , i usually dont' catch lakorn live but i actually woke up to watch LNJ eps 9 --- just cuz member told me there goin be a n "R" scene ..they trick me . It was an "willing" lol


Staff member
LOL. Yes , i usually dont' catch lakorn live but i actually woke up to watch LNJ eps 9 --- just cuz member told me there goin be a n "R" scene ..they trick me . It was an "willing" lol
So yep Lhong Ngao Jun is winning so far hahahah I wonder if any other lakorn will ever beat it LOL ^____^ LOL poor sarN hahahahahahahaha you almost woke up early for Pinmook also LOL


Lakorn Obsesser
Darn shit!! That's a lot!! I'm sure it's possible though because it enver hurts trying and at this rate, I'm pretty sure it will so swell lol


sarNie Oldmaid
goodness..i didn't even check for tat lakorn...argh! i gotta admit...i wuz hecka attached to tat lakorn..eheehe....okay!

Kristy..let's ramble on for another 20+ in first place Lhong ngao jun second: Kol Ruk Game third: Mafia Tee Ruk? eeheehe...


Lakorn Obsesser
Long Gnao Jun was good though. I mean, I was actually hooked by it... Too bad she wasn't really pregnant... It was kinda nam nao though lol .


Lakorn Obsesser
:drool: :drool: omg. i think i'm a huge perv. :loool: . i'm watching the scene where chakrit was smothering pat again. i can't get over it. phew!


Lakorn Obsesser
of cousre m fav scene of all. the dream scene... i would have pulled him down and .... :ph34r:

kashie, where's you get that pixs of dan deam? i want one too :( . celebrate their departure... in a good way. not that i'm happy. *sigh* .


sarNie Oldmaid
oh! that scene..the one i dream about everynight? LOL...tat's got to be the hottest scene of the whole lakorn...i should go back 2 watch tat part...this is one of tose few lakorns where i'm like..oh! i can't watch to rewatch this..LOL..

Dan-Beam i got them off T-Intermedia forum...are u a member on there? aww..there were soo many good pichas..sad ones and cute ones.

hey! Kristy do u sitll have ALL of ur animated banners for Mafia Tee Ruk? you should totallie do a Mafia Tee Ruk Re-Cap i tink i have some of ur earlier ones...eheeheh