Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Oldmaid
Great MV Prisna =] working on mine now haha or trying to figure out mine haha


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pvqy8ilkGPA&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/pvqy8ilkGPA&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>



Staff member
oh .. PRISNA. EVEN if you vomit on me. at this rate, i will fight for him .. LOL ..
man, i'm only kidding . you LOVE him first. i'll just queue for my turn :wub:
btw .. great mv .. i love it . you doing great with the listing structure.
i like it like that. simple to know what song it is. .. AH.and i fix the embed ..
all you need to do is enable the html code in here.

WOW .. LYDNA, i thought you knew about the photo shoot :wub:


sarNie Oldmaid
oh .. PRISNA. EVEN if you vomit on me. at this rate, i will fight for him .. LOL ..
man, i'm only kidding . you LOVE him first. i'll just queue for my turn :wub:
btw .. great mv .. i love it . you doing great with the listing structure.
i like it like that. simple to know what song it is. .. AH.and i fix the embed ..
all you need to do is enable the html code in here.

btw .. great mv .. i love it . you doing great with the listing structure. i like it like that. simple to know what song it is. ..
WOW .. LYDNA, i thought you knew about the photo shoot :wub:
Please dont fight for him, I need a daddy for my baby! :loool: I feel like I want something sour right now. (wonder if HARIT sour?) :loool:

BTW, thank Cecilia for the mv comment! ;)


Staff member
hahah. PRISNA. :loool: .. you cracked me up so much na kha.
you already crave for that .. :eek: .. i suppose. HARITH really is sperminated.

BTW .. i read the info about misleading the pregnancy .. i have FAITH IN SPERMINATED HARITH AND SUPERHOT SORIYA .. ARISOYA will be bless. :wub:


Please dont fight for him, I need a daddy for my baby! :loool: I feel like I want something sour right now. (wonder if HARIT sour?) :loool:

BTW, thank Cecilia for the mv comment! ;)
:eek: i think Prisna is getting pregnant on us!! she's showing all the symptoms!!!! fainting/thinking about vomiting/craving something sour.... ITS ALL THERE! THE SIGNS!!! :loool:


sarNie Adult
cecilia, I thought they just had a random photo shoot together and it had nothing to do with the lakorn.
It's the same hotel they filmed in too.

Hey what happen to Twinky?


sarNie Oldmaid
hahah. PRISNA. :loool: .. you cracked me up so much na kha.
you already crave for that .. :eek: .. i suppose. HARITH really is sperminated.
BTW .. i read the info about misleading the pregnancy .. i have FAITH IN SPERMINATED HARITH AND SUPERHOT SORIYA .. ARISOYA will be bless. :wub:
Yes, my Hariti is very sperminated, I just look at his eyes, now I'm pregnant. :loool: I'm sure ARISOYA will have a sister or brother soon too! :yahoo:


sarNie Oldmaid
:eek: i think Prisna is getting pregnant on us!! she's showing all the symptoms!!!! fainting/thinking about vomiting/craving something sour.... ITS ALL THERE! THE SIGNS!!! :loool:
Oh my gosh girls I thinking I'm getting a stretch marks on my belly! :loool:


sarNie Elites
well what did he say, did you tell him to come to sarnworld?
I just said how much I love his acting and stuff like that and saying how I'm a new member at his fan club just trying to flatter hIM lol! this is what he said briefly Welcome to the club na....I'm happy to have you in the family and I hope to see you around the web board often! for some reason i don't see his message he sent me it's gone not in my mail..... but yeah thats what he said. i DID SAY IN ONE OF HIS POSTED TOPICS THAT JLR IS VERY POPULAR IN OTHER WEBIES LIKE SARNWORLD AND THE TOPICS ARE NON STOP! THAT THE PAGES ARE BOOMING KEKEKE.... HE SO HOT.

I need to check it out. Do u reply back in thai oe in english? I so happy to gear this! :yahoo: Thank for sharing the news with us Sara! :D
well he only types in english cause he said it's to complicating to type in thai so yeah he'll reply back in english.


Oh my gosh girls I thinking I'm getting a stretch marks on my belly! :loool:

and now STRETCH MARKS!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: that's like 4 SYMPTOMS!!!!! that is a deff. POSITIVE hahahhahhahhah Cecilia is going to go insane w/ all these babies!!! ahha don't worry i'll help you :lol: *puts JLR in dvd player and says "watch the lakorn"* AHHHAHAHAHH we're going to be PERFECT aunties =] and have you thought of ur baby's name Prisna ahhahahha


sarNie Elites
anyHOW adding on I pmed him last night and he posted back the nexy day just a couple of hours later acually so he's pretty much on the web board on and off! hehehehe.... he likes to surf his webboard and see allt he things they say bout him hahaha it's funny. But i was a PERSONAL MESSAGE I SENT HIM and I got a personal message back for P'AUM too... kekeke


adding to this...

100. when watching JLR we blast up the volume so we can gurantee that we don't miss a sound making everyone in the house yell ARE YOU FREAKIN DEAF?? and your sitting there eyes glued to the screen and ears listening contently to every word being said

101. while posting in the JLR thread you have clicked the REPLY button 37865926598371673208760723307 times, the QUOTE button 3297326760974339743968 times, and the EDIT button 3895704360943697497367 times AHHA
102. your normal conversation when your friend calls (ever since JLR started airing)
them- hey sup?
you- JLRing *bye*
them- of course *and if you haven't hung up on them first then they hang up on you* haha

103. we are showing symptoms of pregnancy and will be joining SO in giving birth soon (mainly Prisna) HAHHAHHAHAh
104. we're going to start bringing a whole bunch of babies in our JLR thread :p


OMG!!! i'm sooo happpy rite now i figured out how to make a MV on my own!!! WOO WOO!! haha but it might take me a while to perfect it and what not hahahah yay!! and ima finsih watching part 2 of ep. 11 =]


sarNie Elites
103. we are showing symptoms of pregnancy and will be joining SO in giving birth soon (mainly Prisna) HAHHAHHAHAh
104. we're going to start bringing a whole bunch of babies in our JLR thread :p

:loool: that's freakin hilarious.... I'm his babies mama... kekekke... JK not really.

who wouldn't want have his child! he so GORGEOUS he's got it all going on!!!!!!! the face the vioce *drools


sarNie Adult
anyHOW adding on I pmed him last night and he posted back the nexy day just a couple of hours later acually so he's pretty much on the web board on and off! hehehehe.... he likes to surf his webboard and see allt he things they say bout him hahaha it's funny. But i was a PERSONAL MESSAGE I SENT HIM and I got a personal message back for P'AUM too... kekeke
aww...cute!! a personal message eh? how personal? haha jus kidding. i would join his club but i can't get anywhere in his club...besides i wouldn't know what to say...i think i'll be so star struck if he ever replied to me!!


:loool: that's freakin hilarious.... I'm his babies mama... kekekke... JK not really.

who wouldn't want have his child! he so GORGEOUS he's got it all going on!!!!!!! the face the vioce *drools

ooooooooooo taking it a step farther huh? not BABY but his BABIES :eek: HAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH omg wow i like dieing of laughter haahhaahh :loool: :loool: :loool:


^^^^ hey Prisna what u got to say about that?? i bet ur pushing for like quadroplets HAAHAAHAHAA me and Cecilia are going to go insane babysitting all these JLR siblings/children/babieS hahaahahah


Staff member
:eek: i think Prisna is getting pregnant on us!! she's showing all the symptoms!!!! fainting/thinking about vomiting/craving something sour.... ITS ALL THERE! THE SIGNS!!! :loool:

cecilia, I thought they just had a random photo shoot together and it had nothing to do with the lakorn.
It's the same hotel they filmed in too.
Hey what happen to Twinky?
SARAH for sure, i'm jealous of it .. my head is fill with AUM'S scrubby looks and unshave mustache .. it's so :drool:

prisna. will you have twin? .. i always want twin ..i can be the aunty then .. i can't guarantee that i'll be a good aunty when daddy's around :ph34r:


sarNie Elites
ooooooooooo taking it a step farther huh? not BABY but his BABIES :eek: HAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH omg wow i like dieing of laughter haahhaahh :loool: :loool: :loool:
yeah ididn't mean one i meant acouple! kekekee :D I would want all my boys to look like him hahaha!!!!! dude if aum saw our comments he would get creeped out lol!!!! but hey I'm just kidding (sorta :rolleyes: ) so don't be scared if you do happen to come and sarnowrld and see my insane post! :D