is sarN back yet?? hope she's in here catching up tomara!! ahha where is everyone???? amikrazie, starryXing, raiya, chenling, cecilia, prisna my JLR SISTERS!!!!!
I'm here, I'm here!!
Oh everyone's so funny. Ice cream, yogurt, hot air balloons? And now so many pregnant sarnies are soon to be Aum/Harit's baby mammas. Guess I'll have alot of babysitting to do.
I know it's late, but hey, a working girl has little time on her hands. Anyways, whether you're at the ice cream shop, flying away on a hot air balloon (or trying to catch the
other girl on the hot air balloon with Aum at the moment)... and even sarN who is still away on the island (maybe island has no internet connection?
)... I hope everyone had a
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's my Valentine's card to all of you!