Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
hmmmmmm how come i don't see anyone else on...am i alone or are you all secretly in here<--using your ninja skills :lol:
muaha yes, im in here anonymously here. *heya, strikes 98 cause im invisible and no one can see me*
hey, you still on msn...i might sign on if you are.

i just love this gif of aum, it's too cute so here it is again:



sarNie Granny
muaha yes, im in here anonymously here. *heya, strikes 98 cause im invisible and no one can see me*
hey, you still on msn...i might sign on if you are.
only cheater do that :p i use my ability to sense danger....and dodge :lol:
i'm still on MSN...chat with me if you like


anie's bb [c] D=
no i haven't seen it but all i know it that harit 2008 loves me
girl you got to see it. i love lomhuan! i seen it over 20 times, aum had really short here and he was so cute too and he acted like a little kid (well it's cause he had to play a retarted person lol)


anie's bb [c] D=
only cheater do that :p i use my ability to sense danger....and dodge :lol:
i'm still on MSN...chat with me if you like
hmm should you be sleeping? isnt it like 12am over there? and no i am not a cheater, it's just that you are too slow. in the process i'll grab p'aum and run away with him from you lol, cause you cant see me.


sarNie Granny

Chats on MSN....come and talk with us....and we can all make up a JLR fanfic especially for you....or help you get started


sarNie Granny
girl you got to see it. i love lomhuan! i seen it over 20 times, aum had really short here and he was so cute too and he acted like a little kid (well it's cause he had to play a retarted person lol)
does he act with benz....if so...i saw a picture of it^^


sarNie Granny
hmm should you be sleeping? isnt it like 12am over there? and no i am not a cheater, it's just that you are too slow. in the process i'll grab p'aum and run away with him from you lol, cause you cant see me.
i'll get sleep later....and your ninja warriors will not be better than ME......


anie's bb [c] D=
KK sisters, i may need your help. I admit that i am not a fanfict writer at all. But i've got this really good idea for a fanfiction.

1000 MEMORIES <---title
Harit: playboy, rich and handsome, doesnt care about other ppl, lives in bangkok
Soriya: poor but very beautiful, loyal, lives on an island of phuket, she's lives with her grandma
(these are just ideas and not in full sentences)

one day harit goes of into the countryside and meets soriya, being a playboy he is he tricks her into loving him. but she doesnt know his name and where he come from, she just loves him. once the deed is done, and he goes of into BKK leaving soriya really heartbroken and swears to hate him and men forever. and then somehow, he comes to back to the area where soriya lives for some business work. then some robbers rob him, stealing all his ID and wallet. they push him onto the ground, and he losses his memory from hitting his head against a rock. soriya found him on the edge of the river, thus saving him by bringing him back to her house and caring for him for 3 days.

forgotting all his memories he begins to fall in love with this girl who saved him. but soriya hates him and he dont know why, she avoids him ever since he woke back up. she never talked to him, neither look at his face and he seem like rubbish to her. but something in her always reminded him of his past, it was her touch, her smell, something about her that always triggered his memories about himself. one by one, his memories return. but soriya remains hating him more and more as each day passes by, he doesnt understand why, why is this person he now loves always pushing him aside. only when his thousand memory returns *which is the memory of the deed returns, does his only understand why soriya always pushes his love away. 1000 MEMORIES is the reason why...

*to be continued, sisters if you have time please write this fanfic for me...i am not a write so i dont know how to write this sorta stuff.
btw, it is the stranded island scene where she begins to fall in love with him.

good idea for fanfict or not?