Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


i can't catch up with ya' girls ...so many spamming hahaa but i love every min of it . GP the list is so huge ...i never thought it going reach up 1000 now it past and about this 69 LMAO seth let her have it please haha

i wanted to quote my Koon Mae sarN again cuz i just love her lmao hahaha oh yeaaaaaaa i'll share some insight w/ u here in a little bit hahaha you'll can't up don't worry hahaha


heya Van...hehe..if ur most innocent..i'll be the naughtiest then! :D
hehe..there will be tough job for the oter sisters to take care of me then..hehehe :p
oki..Harit is so urs...but Aum n Aff is mineeeeee -_-

*huggles to u too*

lol..its 10.35pm here...nitey nite allz!

gah i love you ahaahhahahha


maplestory addict xD
gah u want me MOST

and GAH! u sneak a kiss to RR bhind my back? THROWS COCONUT AT AN

gah u don't get a certificate unles i get one first LMAOOOOOOOO >=P
*coconut hit an's head*

Ouch!that hurt gp :lmao:

=O =O =O GP IS IN SHOCK LMAO SALA IS ME! hahahahhahha UR FAVORITE SISTER WHOM U FORGOT! GAH! ok now i rele am ur favorite sister now no doubt bout it
yeah.juz knew u were sala..but i think i prefer gp..2 letter word like hw bau likes it ^_^


seth....lolz....i like the soccer team....as well as the plant list...hehe....cute.....

hi vannie.....miss u too....miss all the sisters.....

good morning to everyone....


Van and PZE are the morning casts in the JLR Thread and the night casts are RR, Bau, GP, Ellem, AN and aikoden.

Off and On casts are Ami, Raiya, Cecilia, Starry, Sarah, and Moh!!!

Hardly On Casts are LaLa and Prisna!!!

LMAO that's funny haahahaha ^^^^^^^^ i think u need to get on wen i get on lmao


you guys chat on msn???? what about me? left me out huh????? lol just kidding. kekekekee i don't go on msn much!!!
sorry I keep on posting over and over lol i just not patient lol i keep on seeing other comemetns and keep commenting!!! i'mtrying to catch up! :lol:
LMAO we always here on MSn but you not! lmao


maplestory addict xD
i believe i see my An hello darling
alo GP!after my mornin prayers...i was on9 straight away!

how are u doing today
feeling better..my flu is gone tats for sure~

and i'm half thai and viet gaha but w/ all my sisters i'm like all the asian types lmao
i'm a mix chinese,malay,bugese(one of indonesian) and japanese(mum said she's not sure)

GAH! its morning there? lmao where do u live its 6:47 pm atm
i live in Malaysia,so its 6.56am here

LMAO we got that covered get on MSN darling
oh yeah,i was so into chatting that i forget adding u guys..arghhh


NO NO EVERYONE- THE PLANT STUFF AND NAMES ARE REAL. i got a biology assignment and five plants. so i named them after you guys, i probly get pictures for everyone today na.
hey, my sis ateam know, but yesterday i lost all of my lakorn...im like this :(<--- atm. i accidentally deleted the folder where i store all my lakorns and plus i cant recover it from my recycle bin too cause the windows popped up "the file is too big for the recycle bin...are you sure you want to permantly delete it" and i clicked yes without even looking :( :( :( x 1000
GAHHHHHHH i'll spazz w/ u on that ready? 1....2......3........ SPAZZ ATTACK!


thats was why i asked whats the meaning of GP is :p
lol..finally someone understand my question
gosh...im bein pulled frm one sista to another :wacko:
LMAO GP stands for Grudgeprincess GP for short its my real nickname in real life too and everyone calls me it as my second name but Sala is my first name heehe and darling u staying w/ me no one pulling up on u no mo


alo GP!after my mornin prayers...i was on9 straight away!
feeling better..my flu is gone tats for sure~
i'm a mix chinese,malay,bugese(one of indonesian) and japanese(mum said she's not sure)
i live in Malaysia,so its 6.56am here
oh yeah,i was so into chatting that i forget adding u guys..arghhh
DAMN GIRL! u get on that early? geez u and BAU are freakin ahmazing ahhaha checkin the thread that early everyday gah u leive all the way on the other side of the world from me? gahhhhh i live in myrtle beach, sc US gahh woo hoo that's freakin sweet i want a chinese sister and japanese too ahhahahha woooooooot do u hvae to go to skool soon?


maplestory addict xD
LMAO GP stands for Grudgeprincess GP for short its my real nickname in real life too and everyone calls me it as my second name but Sala is my first name heehe and darling u staying w/ me no one pulling up on u no mo
u sure...coz when ur not here..i feel like my body beeing pulled frm one end..and to another -_-

yes i kno it hurts lmao that's how u learn from it gahhahahahah
u noe what..that coconut thingy remind me of the scene when Harit threw the bowl to So's head when she wanted to bath!
hilarious :lol:


ok well for ELA my journal was

"What is your favorite story to tell someone?"

and this was my exact response...

"Personally I don't have a FAVORITE story because I have stories to tell everyday. That's what I'm famous for. Sala's Stories. My stories tell about what happened during my day and my insight on things and what's going on with life. But if I had to choose my FAVORITE story, it would be about my JLR FEVER! (My Thai/drama/lakorn I'm obsessed with). I tell about that everyday and of my HAWT ASIANS. I'm also famous for my "Intresting Facts I learned This Week". I've been learning very odd, intresting, disturbing, facts recently. That's how my famous stuff has come to be."

LMAO hahah yea my journal entry gah i incorparate alot of JLR in my ela class lmao ahah and the teacher is the lady who had that pink imperfect pearl necklace that i attacked when i saw her wearing it lmao but she's realy nice so yea


maplestory addict xD
DAMN GIRL! u get on that early? geez u and BAU are freakin ahmazing ahhaha checkin the thread that early everyday gah u leive all the way on the other side of the world from me? gahhhhh i live in myrtle beach, sc US gahh woo hoo that's freakin sweet i want a chinese sister and japanese too ahhahahha woooooooot do u hvae to go to skool soon?
Yeah,i'm a muslim so we gotta pray 5 times a day..the first one would be Subuh which is around 6am...so i would usually wake up at 6.15am like that,pray n then cant sleep..so i juz on9!im 17 this year..juz finished my highschool last year..waitin to enter university soon ^_^