Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
my dad is the naughty one..
whenever we go up the stairs..
we hate being ahead of him..
all three of us often get poke...gosh..it hurts lol!
so usually..all three of us..super mama,super an..n super lil sis would form a group n poke him!
(my dad cant stand ticlingz) :loool:
ahahahahaha that's so funny....you have a super funny family...all my family does is fart around each other lol


sarNie Granny
so an do you think there were anything in JLR that was unexplained...like soriya's purse never found again and harit kidnap her, where did bai take boontai after she attacked sansanee, etc. etc. etc.


maplestory addict xD
that's okay...have fun at your relative's wedding^^aww are you going to be in it or just attend
no it's too cold to sleep right now
YES...the behind club^^
JLR makes so many people addicted
i love watching them...especially kaew tah pee i heart tik

i'm kinda in it lol...
yeah..JLR is number one!


sarNie Granny
brb...my sister apparently mad...i need to go what's wrong <--siblings can't handle their own problems....and plus she's older than me...lol


maplestory addict xD
i see them again too...they won't get away this time^^
haha...dont spam so much when im x here later!lol

wow...that's awesome^^ i wish i had a phone :( oh well i'll be like those n'ek in the lakorns then^^ (the less modern ones ahahah)
haha...i juz bought that phone recently...btw..i remebered in aff n aum latest lakorn clip..Aum called aff as Nong Aff..wat does it mean?

ahahahahaha that's so funny....you have a super funny family...all my family does is fart around each other lol
lol...My dad is the KIng of fart..my sis..the queen of all fart(hate it when she farts in the car)..my mum..the silencer..(she farts..quietly..but when she do..it stinks!)..me..i juz fart when i feel like farting..lol!

hmmmm that was freaky...when i finished replying one of the guest left and so did iluvnumandoil weird
now u noe how i felt tats nw..haha

so an do you think there were anything in JLR that was unexplained...like soriya's purse never found again and harit kidnap her, where did bai take boontai after she attacked sansanee, etc. etc. etc.
yeah..i was like...wat happen to the purse?
someone might found it n shuld report to the po,ice or sumtin :huh:


sarNie Granny
haha...dont spam so much when im x here later!lol
haha...i juz bought that phone recently...btw..i remebered in aff n aum latest lakorn clip..Aum called aff as Nong Aff..wat does it mean?
lol...My dad is the KIng of fart..my sis..the queen of all fart(hate it when she farts in the car)..my mum..the silencer..(she farts..quietly..but when she do..it stinks!)..me..i juz fart when i feel like farting..lol!
now u noe how i felt tats nw..haha
yeah..i was like...wat happen to the purse?
someone might found it n shuld report to the po,ice or sumtin :huh:
i won't hopefully
i'm not sure but maybe it means like younger "sister"
ahahahahah..silent but deadly lol
i know...the purse just disappeared..maybe bai liked it so he took it since he was the driver
i thought so too...but that's the magic of lakorns...makes you wonder lol


sarNie Granny
lol//thats hilarious :loool:
yeah...n AUM is mine! :tease:
yep..my sister got mad b/c my dad said she is like our mom instead of him....and that i was his fav. daughter.....he was joking yet she took it so seriously...i sense a thai lakorn lol
no AUM is totally mine..now and forever