Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
i'm not kidding..really luv bau2 lol..she;s like the first JLR fan i met when i went into ATeam then SW...ok nitey nite for real..dont miss me!
aww, you said this last nite after i went? how cute of you an, awww i love you to my an! you'll always be my AN!


anie's bb [c] D=
nite nite jlr sisters... I'll go to sleep after watching epi 16 of klin kaew klang jai... I have an eye check-up tomorrow so I have to sleep early... <_<

*hugs and kisses to everyone...*
DONNA, where are you today. bau misses you! and also you my sala and 98 too. especially my spamming partner...98 where are you these days...baubau misses you!


anie's bb [c] D=
an, you still here...why does it seem like spamming alone? AAANNNNNN!!!! HELLO? wakey wakey


anie's bb [c] D=
hello!! finally i'm back!!! on and off how's every one??????
gosh, i havent seen you in days too. where have you been sarah? everyone is hiding from me these days or what...in the past couple of days i only seen el and an on the jlr thread.


anie's bb [c] D=

LMAO haha remember that one story i told u how i was waiting for my science teacher to get in class and he had a sign on the door that said ULTIMATE FEVER CATCH IT! lmao hahaha well he's the coach for our school's new frisbee team or something and they have tournaments and stuff or w/e so today like randomly while we were taking notes i'm like Mr. French can i have that sign on ur door? and he's like sure, if you come play w/ us tomara and i'm like ....psht me play frisbee........nah...........LMAO ahhahah so he gets up and he has like 3 diff. signs for the frisbee thing and this one was the last of the 3 and i'm like OH YEAAA hahahahh so yea he let me have it and wen class was over i was like thanx for the sign! and he's like what did u need it for? and i'm like for my JLR FEVER! LMAO and i ran out hahahahah oh well i love him gaha he's BAM AHMAZING lmao and everyday on the announcements they're like JOIN THE FEVER! lmao hahahhahha talkin bout the frisbee game haha that's whats good see i got it for ya'll ^^
lmao sala, that's too funny!


maplestory addict xD
well it was 11.30pm last night when i was spamming with you, el and donna.
owh..thats real late...yeah..u should sleep

that's it...im gonna to hunt down a new phone. any suggestion, i wanted that LG shine fone but then my friend said it's not good.
yeah..the LG phone is x really good..what type of phone do u like?slide?flip?
i recommend Sony Ericsson ^_^

aww, you said this last nite after i went? how cute of you an, awww i love you to my an! you'll always be my AN!
yeah,true frm my heart ^_^

an, you still here...why does it seem like spamming alone? AAANNNNNN!!!! HELLO? wakey wakey
sorry...my com was like lagging in sarnworld..dont noe y..

im here,im here :lol:


anie's bb [c] D=
lmao no i did not just take it! haa i ASKED for it lmao ahahah yea i have to go get mom a watch hehehe and darling u can find JLR stickers anywhere u just have to kno where to look lmao ahhaha go to wal mart or crafts store or w/e they everywhere
SALA! OH MY GOSH THAT JLR SCRAPBOOK CLIP ON YOUTUBE WAS TOO CUTE! muaha, you got such an american acesent! lmao wait until you hear my aussie accents (or i think it's an aussie acesent) anyways...


anie's bb [c] D=
lol gp...ur voice is so cute...hav yet to comentz cz youtube is kinda lag lol...
but my voice..trust me..it sounds like a baby..wakakaka
an, have you heard my voice yet...i wanna hear your's...wait, here's an idea...everyone record their voices!


anie's bb [c] D=
omg, i see EL! bau misses you today? im so bored, cause an is not talking to me!? lol jk, i think her computer is lagging so im talking to myself now!


maplestory addict xD
an, have you heard my voice yet...i wanna hear your's...wait, here's an idea...everyone record their voices!

nope..havent heard your bau..lol..u wana hear mine...y?haha!
everyone record their voices...not a bad idea actually..lol..giv us a script or sumthin..lol!