Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD
wow interestin drama .. hahaha i dont reallly care for paris muahahaha **evil laughs** ... hahha no prob xp lol..
i dont care for paris either...spoil brat!lol...
yeah...recently...Raja's real mum poisoned Putri wif i dont know what till it affects Putri;s nervous system...so all her body parts eg. hands,legs all cant function...n she might not be able to talk n die slowly...arghh...i cant stand it lol...she did that cos Putri's father accidentally pushed Raja to the road...which leads to accident n Raja cant walk...

lol..sorry for telling u this drama story lol..got carried away...

hahaha that sounds yummy i will try that one day if i ever find it xp lol.. oh my phone is bused because i lend it to my bro n he always gives it back to me all busted up ..etc ..so yea now my phone is ghetto.. hmmm i need a new one muahahaha xp ..
lol..get a new one gulr!

ks since i caught up .. imma read n catch up on fanfics xp lol...


Staff member
i dont care for paris either...spoil brat!lol...
yeah...recently...Raja's real mum poisoned Putri wif i dont know what till it affects Putri;s nervous system...so all her body parts eg. hands,legs all cant function...n she might not be able to talk n die slowly...arghh...i cant stand it lol...she did that cos Putri's father accidentally pushed Raja to the road...which leads to accident n Raja cant walk...

lol..sorry for telling u this drama story lol..got carried away...
lol..get a new one gulr!

hahaha im too broke to get a new phone.. lol.. damn its kool u already gettin me hped up about that drama lol...


sarNie OldFart
hahaha u sure u love us sisters equally lol.. hahaha me too keke **hugs** im jus meesin with u donna lol..xp..
of course I do... ^_^ *me hugs aiko back*

okies .. eat lots n lots lol.. hahaha damn i want harit to cook me some eggs hahahha .. **drools** sunnyside up lmao.. kekeke..
I want harit to cook breakfast for me too...hahaha..but I think
harit alone is enough for my breakfast!!
:rolleyes: :drool: :yahoo:


maplestory addict xD
hahaha im too broke to get a new phone.. lol.. damn its kool u already gettin me hped up about that drama lol...
its real good...i got hooked up frm the first eps...u can say that i love jlr like this indonesian drama lol...
u wana watch it?I hope they'll sell this drama in vcds..once they do that..i'll upload n sub it for u ppl =]

hahaha no prob .. rita is so pretty.. muahaha n once again .. bank from clash is mines muahahaha lol.. gosh love clash .. one of my fav thai rock group..they rock xp lol...
i dont noe them lol..but yeah..rita is pretty!


sarNie Granny

I post these picture a while back when JLR end. I circle all the pearl jewerly Harit brought for Soriya :wub: