Mama Noy ♥️
hahahaha. freaking mark's chinese cartoon looking ass... lmao. i'm mad that he ended up with anna! she soo deserves someone better! <_<that was too funny. they so look alike. lmao :loool: i cant stop laughing.
i cant believe you finished oum ruk already. i think i cried more in oum ruk than sawan bieng too. i love oum ruk, so touching and cute. dont you love it when chen was in the dilevery room and he saw his baby girl and he cried. i almost died, i swear my heart was not beating and i couldnt breath. it was so :lmao: :spin: at the same time.
i'm gonnna rewatch it again. cuz i kinda rushed through the lakorn. hehe. i skipped all of the unimportant parts & focused on chen & pat. hehe.
omg. that part was sad! i was like "okay noy, don't cry don't cry" but man... my eyes flooded with tears! i iffing love it!omg...no the part where anne goes through the gallery, i just lost it!!! it was so sad/happy at the same time...so cute!!!...i'm gonna cry just thinking about it hahaha![]()