GEEZ getting sidetrack here gwad i'm deff. 50+ pages bhind hahah
LMAO haha gawd i love steve irwin geezzz haha and i bleive its ur fault for stayin up 30 mins past the deadline not me LMAO ahhahahait's still weird though cause you said it weird...hehe did that even make sense at all...lmao and hell no, i do not sound like steve
gosh we are really bad huh, 30 mins past the ure going whenever ure going!
same here honey me and u in da same boat LMAO HARITH'S BOAT THAT IS HAHHAHHAHHAHAlol.. i was like hooked on that fanfic lol..xp.. keke but sadly i havent read sarn's latest one.. T_T.. keke.. 2 nights a week.. O_O .. >_<..keke..
honey suga i love this one the most i love you mosterest! i loveeeeeeeee you! heheheh me and u babyyy honey moon! LMAO hahahhaha
hahahaha oh yea xp lol.. kekeke.. oh yea um ur search .. keke lol..
lol.. xp .. hope u liked my search xp lol..
=O WHAT! EXCUSE ME! who is ur Khun Ying? ur Jao Nai? YEA I BELIEVE ITS ME HONEYYY lmao hahahhahlol.. hahaha u really r a bad influence lmao xp lol.. keke but i still love u .. xp.. haha my role model?? haha hmmm no xp lol.. j/k..xp..
lol.. ur heart pumping disorders xp lol.. dont worry sala.. i'll just donate my heart to u xp..
LMAO haha it rained today to! but today as in May 29th not May 24th LMAOawwwwe u havent gone to the beach yet.. T_T.. don worry i havent gone at all this year T_T .. prob in the summa soon..xp.. today it rained.. lol.. it hasnt rained for the longest time.. i was happy keke xp..
lol.. thats y there is a tent xp lol.. haha we have mosquitos over here too.. ugh .. they so annoying xp lol.. haha my bro bought a new tent but i havent tried it out yet..xp..haha i will soon.. keke i'll be singin to ddh ost i bet lol..xp.. kekeke..
omg for realz.. tite.. i love u my deary khun ying sala.. **super hugs n kisses** ..
ahhaa gawd i had a weird dream the other nite but i can't remember what it was lmaolmao.. showin off their grillz? lol.. wow u galz have like the weirdest dreams but i so love them though xp lol.. sadly i dont think i dream or unless i do dream but cant remember antithang xp lol..
gawd lucky! hhaha i wear contacts out of the hosue and glases in the house mannnnnn lucky u honeylol..O_O.. wow thank goodness i dont need contacts or glasses xp lol..weird though.. @_@..
dang! ur now just having ur water festival? i had mine bak in like april wen new years hahahha i miss u honey sugahmmm im pretty busy.. hmm hopefully i'll get to go to the water festival.. i so wanna go..
well now after tomara i have 4 days left ehhehe well 5 if i wanted to go but since friday i dont' ahve ne exams i don't have to go to skol if i dont' want togood lukk wid ur test..ks.. wow lukkyu only like 2 weeks left.. i think i got like 2-3 weeks eft argh ..