cikna honey! darling i see you gawd imiss you
all the best to you, bau!!!oh gosh, tomorrow i have a maths sala would say, "I HOPE THE MATH TEST DOESNT RAPE ME, I RATHER RAPE IT lmao"
GP!!!!! rindu awak juga (miss you too)!!cikna honey! darling i see you gawd imiss you
hi so! I'm from the Philippines... ^_^hi cikna and tell me, where are you from?
la la lathat's cause you freaked us both out so much. bad bau!!!![]()
w/e .. nothing! what team? lmaoI have a sneaking suspicion that bau and so teamed for something... they're plotting together...
lol sorry arissa, i type to quick that's why .. anyways, i cant cook as well .. the other day i try to 'cook' pancake it was completely burned! like black lmao.Hehe work resume good luck!
LOL Bau honey i'm ic3monkeys not icmonkey3 lol just a joke hehe
YAY Bau is smarti love it too o yeah trying to locate ur name.
i can't bake to save my life![]()
o.m.g. i did, sorry dear sala ... but i love you though :wub: does that make up for me taking ure page :huh:excuse me BAU do u realize u have owned my page?
oh god .. no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAU WILL MISS YOU SALA X 10000!!!!gawd i'm so FN pissed off im leaving TOMARA instead of the 12th freakin a which means i won't get to talk to you al for like 6 fn days!
ahem, hehe but there's only ONE MASTERMINDER!!! did everyone watch it yet?and wow we have 2 prankers thats just wonderful
ahem cough cough .. i believe im SOSO's favourite sister to you dear sala .. hehe jkraymond h0ney i believe u are mine not bau's don't let her make u prank us
omg sorry *cries and hide behind lomhuan lmao* sorry darling, i didnt mean to own your pageEXSPECIALLY BAU! who owned my page! whihc we have to have a little talk here
hehe .. w/e ..yes bau very "cute" haha thank gawd i was too tired to care or get scared but i see u got raymond here as ur secondhand prankster hmm hmm hmm
hmm so that means i should post that much cause page 1200 is in like 2 more pages!!! sala im leaving that page for you .. see, im such the bestest bestest bestest sister in the whole wide jlr world lmao.yes which i will try to OWN cuz SOMEONE owned my PAGE!
yeah ahahahahah .. i think .. well today i raped the first part of the math test, and then towards the end i think the math test rape me lmao :loool:ahhaha at least ur quoting me lmao
hey hey, back of .. it's MY soso!!!i can't beleive u made MY raymond turn over to "ur side" LMAO
ha i own now .. ooooooooooooooo, who owned your page huh hehehehehe.i bleive i OWN
who's the someone huh? lmao .. hehe, WELL I DEDICATE MY PAGE TO SALA!!!well maybe b/c SOMEONE already OWNeD my PAGE how bout that bau?
*shakes head x 10000000000000000 back at sala* muahahahhahah hehe 69 rofl*shakes head at bau*
arghhhh, dude ure wreckin the good stuff here .. dont destroy it for the others.starry girl don't open that PM from raymond mannn lmao i saw and and was like exit/delete ahahah
ooooh pressies, i love 'surprises' ........................... I'LL BE SENDING SOMEi gathereed some "materials and supplies" for ya'll's presents ahhahahahha
man, sala why are you leaving baubau????damn it be back in a lil bit have to go pack gawd
heheheheheehheheheheheheheh god i love you SO!!!! *hi5* we make such a good team!!!:blush: sorry sisters...i feel bad about that...but don't worry, once-in-a-lifetime...i didn't even watch it...that stuff scares me easily...
one time only...promise...
lmao wth? *throws aum's undies around* <-- i noe wth? hehehehe!Hehe *duck duck, quack quack* hehe
hey hey, i already said i'll leave page 1200 for you before i even saw this postdamn i have to go bau u should save page 1200 for me all of yo should since BAU took my page ahem
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sala i dont have credit on my phone so i cant text you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAUBAU WILL MISS YOU X 100000000000000000000000000000000i got to go i love you hugs n kisses i ownt' get o talk to you all for like 6 days!
hehe, i have no involvement with this stuff .. so it's safe everyone!!! all clear .. promise no prank this time!hello my lovely sisters...i just finished a ken marathon...kind should go check out my blog
it's safe, you know that's my blog...what i had to say about ken was too long to put in here...i am just in total awe of him as an actor!