ahaha im glad too!!soo glad they exteNded the lakorN siNce sooo maNy people like it!! whew!! im gaNNa miss this lakorN soooo much!! =[
hahaha im a AWESOME dork!..lol...wow rose i guess u were stariNg soo hard!!! hahah ur a dork. hmm...imma go look at his mole! LOL!!! =P
what?!tomorrow's episode looks good! so it seems like torfuN is gaNNa betray NookyouNg..cuz she said that she picks her mom over NookyouNg..or somethiNg like that...
I think Torfun means she will betray Nok Yoong by helping Woonsen frame Tawanchai.what?!
when was this Part on the preview?!
EDIT:: CAT FIGHT!!..lmao..