Lol what kind of party would it be without the Heineken?! That's the asian drink right there! & Corona. haha.
My type of guy!! ekkk i can go on & on about this... muahaha.
this guy right heree!!!
Will Demps! ekkk he's sooo hotttt!! check out his body! drool! :wub:
Here's another picture of him in a suit!! drool....
I'm fanning myself! he's sooo hottt!!! ahhhh!!!
I like A&F type of guys but they're not into me... <_<
I prefer the guys with the bay area swagg! gosh i'm such a sucker for those. those baggy pants, big shirts, hat wearing, nice fade, jordans wearing, clean cut type of guys drool... lol
i'm not into/can't stand guys who wear tight jeans, tight small shirts. them japanese/korean type of guys that look like girls. gosh i need my man to be manly! not girly... if i wanted a girl, shit, i'll shag a real one! not a wannabe girl like looking!