The first comment is that the poor gets poorer. Well... if the government took 100 from me and only 5 dollars from Nounning. How does that make her poorer? It's only 10%. Besides, that money is used in programs like welfare programs. So how does the poorer get poorer if there are governmentally funded programs to help them which all our money is put into be used for? It's to better the society.
because to u it's
only 10%, but to me it's 10 freaking percent, the 10% i can use to pay for bread and cheese to make my week's lunch ($5 according to the example here). but if it's the way u'd want it to be, u'd also have to pay 20k in taxes since John Doe pays 20k, and i'd have to pull from my ass the $19,950 to pay for the tax because i only make $50.
dynoite, i think u've forgotten that not all poorer people are qualified for welfare. there are many specific qualifications that must be met in order to obtain assistance from the government and unfortunately it's those system abusers with the help, rather than those people who actually need the help being helped. and the reason why i say, the poor remains poor is because of everything around us now, the economy sinking, the cost of living rising, but minimum wage remains the same, salaries are the same... how can we not get poorer? pulling back your example, i only make $50, of which $5 is the tax, since i cannot afford to pay for gas, i'll have to use public transportation, it's about $1.90 per way, so let's assume i need to take the bus to work since i don't live right next to it... i take it there, and i have to take it back. work is 5 days a week, so 10 trips per week, i've already spent 40% of my income on transportation alone. and again, i need to eat to function, so let's say i buy a bag of bread and cheese and it's about $5 since i've gotten all generic brands for my lunch for the 5 days. i'm left with $21, i need to buy a bag of rice and a dozen of eggs to eat eggs for all meals since i can't afford to eat anything else... rice bag from supermarket = $~5, dozen of eggs = $3, milk=$4 so i can drink something nutritional and even make french toast to change it up a little... ok so what am i left with now, $9... but shit, i haven't even paid for my rent, my utilities, my hygienic products... blah blah blah, but u should get my point. with what i'm making, i'm living in my own means, but yet i'm struggling... and i don't qualify for free neighborhood healthcare because i'm not under 19 and i'm not pregnant. so i'm without insurance, i get heavily ill, what the hell am i supposed to do? sit in my room and die because i've used up all my money on the necessary things in my life to live?
Universal healthcare may be nice, but our quality will go down. Why do you think our medical care differs from others? Why is it that people fly to America from all over the world for medical care? Canadians flock to the US, Europeans flock to the US, and yet people want to have universal care like other places. There are several ways to improve the quality of healthcare, but each time, these think tanks get it wrong.
but if u look at it from another light, why do u think quality will go down? is it because doctors are now being paid what seems to be too low compared to when they were billing insurance companies $600 for a simple diagnostic like "u have a bump on ur wrist because u have cyst", here's some meds, done in less than 10 mins, but if it were an ER visit, done in 10 hours? haha such quality. which if u'd like to argue, yes, with universal healthcare, the wait might increase to 20+ hours in the ER. which, i don't refute.
i can see that schematic doctors can make this an opportunity, make it beneficial to themselves, pocketing cash to see these "rich" folks that need care now, well in their mind that is, and must get priority out of the bunch. again, i don't like the idea of universal healthcare, but yet i know people near and dear to me that need health coverage and simply can't afford it. and i was once in the same position for years.
Unless the open, intelligent minds can figure a way to get to the voter booths, there are still a lot of apathetic young votes. Ask your friends, they most likely could care less who wins.
yes, and i wish i can pop them in the head like the V8 commercials.
And again...Tax money could be used for the streets and freeways which helps me and the buses that may take Noungning to work. So how does that benefit me only? Why is it that I have to buy and cater to people if I make more? With your logic... I shouldn't work, and let you take care of me. The incentive to work harder to pay and cater to someone else is not how our capitalistic society was created.
The tax money is taken from the people to be used for the people.
right, i agree we need better roads, it's too bumpy and when snow comes, it has very big pot holes lol.
i mean the logic isn't really just tax money are being poured onto poor ppl, i wish that were the case, so i can be walking the yellow brick road now with elton john.
Ideally, we should all put in $5. I mean with so many people, it's a lot of money. Think large scale here. Or if everyone put in money. If Nounging puts in $5, Natty $5, and I $5. $15 to use for whatever you want. And if its not enough, save it. And remember, we have billions of people... so the pot is milions and millions of folds more.
rightttt, so do u think the $5 per person can end the financial crisis we have right now? i don't think so, war + debt = more debt. ur theory would maybe work if we live in paradise, where no such debt exists, everyone is happy, kids are well educated with well qualified teachers, those with just a bachelor degree are getting jobs that they actually went to school for, those that aren't educated maintaining to hold their factory jobs without the fair of it being outsourced to a third world country, and etc.
the problem here is the money. $5 from everyone in the US, would it solve all the problems we have right now?
and does it make much sense that i pay $5 when i make $50, and u remain to pay $5 when u make $1000? i pay 10% and u pay .005%?
Politicians just want you to put more in the pot, so they can use it and pocket it like the Haliburton deal. So yes, I want the government to take less of my money.
well, i wish for the latter too, but unfortunately someone's going to have to pay... ok how about this? we all deal with our own shit, balance our own checkbooks, pay for our own mess? wow, if only everyone is responsible... we tend to neglect the inevitable truth that people screws up because they feel they still have that safety net...screw up by wracking up a $90,000 visa bill and can't pay them back, no problem, i'll file for bankruptcy and in 10 years, i'll be able to do this again! yippy!! i'll refinance my house, take out all the money i can to go gamble and foreclose and have my child buy me a house with some of the money i have left over from gambling. the house will be under my child's name so we can still own a house, i'm so smart...
a quote from my former colleague, "if i know i'll die tomorrow, i'll just take all of my credit cards and charge every single thing i can"... ? leaving ur family with debt before u die, how thoughtful of u.
i don't know what to think, idiocracy or selfishness?
sorry, i just needed to ramble so i kept on going on and on. lol... and thanks for reading.