OMG, first sight of Ken's face when i started watching and i was already screaming (quietly) at the screen!! lol
i loved when the reporters kept asking him about him and Menie and he answered "I can tell you the anwer right now..."
0.0 when Aff walked up those stairs and Aof started singing, and Ken looked like his dream girl materialized was such a highlight!!!!!!!!!
the flashback was sooo cute!!!! >< made me wanna cry at how close they were! and i always love the forehead move! <3 :wub: i had to rewatch that a couple times..
i loved how Vic was holding Aoey in the car
omg it's Kawee's dad!
and Mooyong/Soda!! <3
gosh Nott has such a very very low voice..
i love that Ken, er, Vic is so, it's not always good but so fun to watch!
like when he ask right out to Aoey where she's been for the last 8 years when she woke up! and i LOVE how he says straight out that she broke his heart..
i love that he's so possessive of her, demanding an answer, like he KNOWS she belongs to only him... :blush:
lol, Kayla, thanks for the preview! sounds good!
i don't want to watch anything without subs cuz i want to understand every second of their words!!!! ><
so you're saying because of her disease Aff goes crazy? not sure how i feel about this...i mean it's different from the normal type of disease where she would just become very weak....but crazy?... :huh: idk...
i'm sure i'll love it anyways...