Totally agree!!its about time matt starrs in more lakorn. she deserves the recognition
OMG. that's her?? oooh.... I thought that was Nat Mayria on her siggy.^ matt is the girl in Tinah's signature...
i'm glad they switched to mart and matt! matt is pretty good at acting, considering she hasn't been in all that many lakorns...
who was mart paired with before they switched it?
she is the girl I use as my banner and avatar also tinah has her as her bannerwho's matt???...
Beginning of the clip is that cherry there with mart or is that matt?......cant really tell cause it went by so quick but Im pretty sure it was cherry :mellow:Here's a clip of them confirming it.
Jet the one that did Jai Rao will be doing this one.
here's the clip credit to ATEAM forum