sarNie Granny
lol it was so weird to see the bodyguard in casual clothes ahaha. but that stupid evil guy beat up the bodyguards. wait did one of them die?? NOOO! it was so sad that they got beaten up the blindfold part was so cute, up until that part with the cellphone >< awwww their hug was so cute. and Vit (one of the bodyguards) looks cute working at the dessert some too. that was so disgusting with the evil guy trying to get pan UGH. but YES thong-ake to the rescue more cute hugs :wub: LMAO they had an almost kiss. awww it was so sweet watching pai and wat shopping together <3 and wat was wearing his apron ^^ i love pai's ringtone, it's so cool. louis is so funny disguised as thong-ake's bodyguard. LOL then pan took thong-ake to the shop and wat's expressions are so priceless ^^ heehee i love when pai had to change between being her and thong-ake GASP wat punched thong-ake OMG
OMG OMG OMG noooooooooooooooooooooo i have to wait another week to watch the next episode. and it looks soooooo good. WHY???? ahhhh. i think wat will find out the truth about thong-ake and pai.
OMG OMG OMG noooooooooooooooooooooo i have to wait another week to watch the next episode. and it looks soooooo good. WHY???? ahhhh. i think wat will find out the truth about thong-ake and pai.