ok, i've been having some MAJOR bad luck lately with my credit cards. not only am i in debt and am barely getting by but lately there's been some HUGE mess-ups with my credit cards. the first one was that they accidentally put $3000 on my credit card...as in saying that i owe an extra 3 gs. it wasn't all at once but ultimately, it got to 3000!! when i called, they tried to bull shit me like my promotion this and finance that, and i told them they made a massive mistake because my promotion doesn't end for another 2 years. turns out their f*kin people inputted some wrong info or punch some wrong keys or something, so instead of me just paying a thousand, it came out as four thousand!!! it took me two months to clear this shiet up but i think my credit has been messed up because of this. they were initially gonna make me pay for it but i refused...even if it was pass due!! with just this card, i ended up having to make nineteen calls, have seven 45 minute drives/trips, and be stuck on the phone for eight 1 or more hours of wait calls. and since i only have a cell phone, i ended up going over my minutes by 1044 minutes!! MOTHER F*CKER, i am just so pissed. they didn't even do anything extra for me for screwing up my account and credit. that card trouble was just resolved a week ago, and another shiet situation comes up. actually, it was coinciding each other. you see, i was paying for another credit card online, transferring two thousand dollars over to pay for my credit card but they had a glitch and accidentally took it out of an account of mine that had no money!! the bank charged an overdraft fee, and a return service fee whereas the credit card charged me a return service fee, a finance fee or something, and a late fee because the money was not applicable being that it was insufficient. i called the bank and the credit card to explain that there was a mistake, but both places said i had to pay them their fees. with the bank, i understood since they did nothing wrong, but with the credit card place, they kept giving me the run around and also saying that there is nothing that they could do because i must have clicked something wrong. so, i got SUPER PISSED and said "how the hell am i gonna click something wrong for 2000 f*kin dollars!!! i've never missed any payments and if you want anymore payments from me ever again, you're GONNA DO SOMETHING!!" i got it resolved but it took me just as much trouble as the other card to finally get something done because the transfer was not the only thing that they did wrong. i am just so pissed that i don't even know what to do anymore. sometimes, i just want to do something really bad, or turn into a really bad person and do things that would benefit me but hurt other people. and i don't want to think like that!! UGH!! F*CK!!!