i wAtched tHe nEws a wHilE agO anD tHey weRe saYinG tHat tHailAnd iS caLLinG fOr saTe of emErgency...
be-Cause theRe weRe aRounD 50, 000 pRotEsterS tHat aRe nOt wanTing tHe pRiMe mInistEr Of tHaiLanD tO bE iN sOme sOrTa meeTinG...
And sOme saY tHey dOn'T lIke hIm...aNd manY peOple weRe wEarIng reD sHiRts anD sayIng thEy wAnt demOracY insTeaD of rEpUblican rUling thEir cOuntry....
DiD aNyOne hEar abOut tHIs nEws??? plEase cOrrect mE iF i'm wronG...
anywaze, i Was sHocKed wHeN i sAw tHat tHe pRimE mInistEr Of tHailAnd weRe gOnna bE tRasHed bY sOme cItizEns...
everY bOdy was cRazy...in tHe vIdeO...
cAn sOme One plEasE exPlaIn whY the cItizEns haTe hIm so mucH that leAd tHem to haVe sUch a laRge gRoups oF proTesters???
clip #1: Thailand calls for state of emergency
clip #2: Thailand closed Bangkok
clip #3: Thailand Airport got shut down
clip #4: Chaos in Thailand
clip #5: Thailand Clashes
clip #6: Bangkok
be-Cause theRe weRe aRounD 50, 000 pRotEsterS tHat aRe nOt wanTing tHe pRiMe mInistEr Of tHaiLanD tO bE iN sOme sOrTa meeTinG...
And sOme saY tHey dOn'T lIke hIm...aNd manY peOple weRe wEarIng reD sHiRts anD sayIng thEy wAnt demOracY insTeaD of rEpUblican rUling thEir cOuntry....
DiD aNyOne hEar abOut tHIs nEws??? plEase cOrrect mE iF i'm wronG...
anywaze, i Was sHocKed wHeN i sAw tHat tHe pRimE mInistEr Of tHailAnd weRe gOnna bE tRasHed bY sOme cItizEns...
everY bOdy was cRazy...in tHe vIdeO...
cAn sOme One plEasE exPlaIn whY the cItizEns haTe hIm so mucH that leAd tHem to haVe sUch a laRge gRoups oF proTesters???
clip #1: Thailand calls for state of emergency
clip #2: Thailand closed Bangkok
clip #3: Thailand Airport got shut down
clip #4: Chaos in Thailand
clip #5: Thailand Clashes
clip #6: Bangkok