you'll see.. Mrs. Singtha is quite the character.they finally saw each other again!after 15 years...
hmmm...I wonder what will Mrs. Singtha say if Kaen asked about what he saw in the window... :huh:
I'll give you a little hint.. the Singtha's are going to throw a charity party at their mansion.........Yeah! They meet again. Do something quick Rome! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! The sooner the better!
*hugs* lol.. I'm not good with comedy... although I'll try to add a bit in so that it won't be so sad...omg that was SOOOOO good and sad nearly cried whenever rita made a noise....can't wait for how rome meets rita in person gosh update soon
the answer will come a little bit later, however, I will give hints here and there in the story..Rome, hurry up! it's sad that rita is unable to speak now after 15 years of loneliness. i wonder why they hide rita up there. rome, hurry up and help her. she's suffer enough.
Lome, give us hint already lol... in order for me to picture Rome, I had to substitute Kaen into Rome lol... Anyways. Yeah, I wonder how Rome will get upstairs. I hope he kidnaps her lol...
lol.. yeah Jess at first is harmless.. but she'll get more and more persistant...LOL I think Jess is funny, very typical self-proclaim girlfriend ahaha.
awww Rita been watching him for 15's worth the wait![]()
thanks Tina. :wub:Looking forward to reading this one ^___-" I love all of your writings Lomey
I will gradually answer all your questions within the episodes... Rome is a mommy's boy.. he is raised with compassion and kindness.,,, these qualities will definitely reflect how he will treat her.because they are going to throw the cahrity party, i wonder if rita will get to go out and meet the guests although she can't speak or is she going to get lock up. i wonder how rome will get up to her room or how he would react when he knows that she can't speak although she is human and not a ghost. basically, i wonder how rome will react to rita (who she is, why she's up there, or to the room that she was lock in). so many unanswer questions.
The charity party will be a big event...Omg, I love this FF Lome. At every scene when Rita tries to talk, it just made my heart sinks! I'm going all sensitive and emotional with this FF. It's just so sad! Something must happen quick for Rome to see Rita face to face!
I agree. I can't wait until the charity ball. i love rome in here, he is not like all the others in the village, he's going to go look for her, yay!Mrs. Singtha is such a flirt!!! <_< but I think, if Kaen would just play along with that flirty old woman, he'll be more closer to the girl in the window! LOL I'm sure Mrs. Singtha would always invite him to her mansion...
ooohhhh... can't wait for the charity ball!![]()
I'm going to write up part 4 of Episode 1, then the ball will come in Episode 2.Mrs. Singtha is such a flirt!!! <_< but I think, if Kaen would just play along with that flirty old woman, he'll be more closer to the girl in the window! LOL I'm sure Mrs. Singtha would always invite him to her mansion...
ooohhhh... can't wait for the charity ball!![]()
He wants to prove that he isn't going paranoid like the others... but in the process.. he will prove something else.I agree. I can't wait until the charity ball. i love rome in here, he is not like all the others in the village, he's going to go look for her, yay!
aww.. already know what kind of encounter they will have.. can't wait for you guys to read it.anytime u mention rita in that room it just gets me...anyways can't wait for the ball and he's gonna go look for her this is going to be sweet....and yes to answer your question i would like spoiler
he was going to ask her, but her boobs scared him off. lolI want to be friend with Rita. My poor girl. Rome being smart by keeping quiet about the Rita. Thank goodness, I wouldn't want Mrs. Beep (can I call her that lol) to do anything to Rita.
yeah the father is a jerk... you'll hate him more in the next episodes.LOL I like how she tried to flirt with Kaen. But his father is so bad, gosh how can Kaen not be late, he was just trying to do his job. well i can't wait for the ball. Thanks.
I'm so not like Rome's dad. Hella bogus! Gawsh, Rita...Mrs. Singtha is so flirty towards Rome. I can so totally see how his face is like when he backs away from her. Lol. Can't wait for the charity ball. Hope he finds her!! I love how he's not backing away from her...
Oh gawsh...I have a feeling it's not going to be something good...I hope it's not what I'm wait till you read what Mrs. Singtha wants to do to Kaen.