I know it is kind of hard to tell if Sue-Lin is a bad person.hard to say, or judge sulin. i'll wait and see.
on the other hand, i HATE peter already.
i super love sarah and andrew's constant encounters though ^^
they're so cute together... and i love it when he give her that brows look ^^
as of right now, I am more interested in Sarah/Andrew too. I think Sarah is so funny and adorable. I just want to watch what she's going to do next lol.I'm more interested in Sarah/Andrew's pair than Rome/Janie's. Too much family drama on that end and it hasn't really focused on them. I think Su lin has a love/hate thing with Janie's mom, due to the Pip thing. And Pip is a jerk, he married Su lin so he should suck it up and deal.
Wow you are making me think even more about what's really the truth!! LolSu lin is so evil. She must be adding poison into the soup to increase the sickness and bring in to her friend while in the hospital. She probably in it with that guy. At the funeral she hugged her friend's pic just cuz she knows Janie were watching.. That guy who push the wheel chair probably sending her signal that someone was watching. And you can tell Janie is tough and strong like Anthony not like the man whom she called dad.thanks for the spoiler