Oh seriously... you even watch through the horrible lakorn Ajawee See Chompoo.
Since you have seen all of Rome's lakorns, is the one with Vicki good? I wanted to watch that but the parents are really boring so I didn't continue but if you can give me a good review, I'll give it another try. =D
i don't know. it's hard to say b/c i can't get over the fact that the couple are switch like that.
i would say, if it's ROME/RITA and MART/NOON, then i've enjoyed it more.
I didn't really like the lakorn .. i skip here and there in the episode b/c i can't stand seeing them apart.
it's like a little brush up for me. if i'm you, i wouldn't bother and for sure, you wont' miss much either lOl
as for Ajawee See Chompoo, i couldn't bring myself to watch it b/c it's like another repeat of PREUKSA SAWAD with Fon and Aon and the old uncle, CHATCHAI, except this time, it's Por, a younger man. but the whole concept was disturbing to me. i start and couldn't finish it LOl .. but i still have a thing for POR AND PAT, i can't never get myself to finish any of their lakorn together .. don't know why.