sarNie Oldmaid
The nang aek was hardly in the episode when they grew up..It was mainly on Nott..But overall her acting is better then a lot of stars now..
Haha ..... LOL. Its true that one guy we didn't want as P'ake is no longer P'ake. But he is still in the lakorn and I have a feeling he is the bad guy. What a switch and games they played with the viewers. First he is P'ake and now he's not but then he is still in the lakorn. What next??? Aiy doesn't die at the end and Euy doesn't get pregnant since the price has powers now!!!!
And are they going to take a piece from Yorpraklin. Where the farm girl goes into the palace and the mean mother-in-law try to get rid of her because the queen has a better fit for her son?!!!
I fear that they are going to do exactly what you mentioned :loool: Ch7 is now my worst enemy :loool: more like the script writer, producer, director, editor, etc fault. They have turn a classic into something retarded. I do admit they do have a few good moments in this so call version. But it still can't make up for everything that has already gone wrong LMAOHaha ..... LOL. Its true that one guy we didn't want as P'ake is no longer P'ake. But he is still in the lakorn and I have a feeling he is the bad guy. What a switch and games they played with the viewers. First he is P'ake and now he's not but then he is still in the lakorn. What next??? Aiy doesn't die at the end and Euy doesn't get pregnant since the price has powers now!!!!
And are they going to take a piece from Yorpraklin. Where the farm girl goes into the palace and the mean mother-in-law try to get rid of her because the queen has a better fit for her son?!!!
I know the two version that I have seen, the pra ek is King, not a prince lmao... I didn't even catch that until you brought it up LMAO even before knowing this boran existed, I even heard different version of it at night at my grandma's house, the King is King. LMAOone thing in the real bla bootong the king not the prince does not have a parent. he is the king of all the land and people.
You mean unnecessary characters LMAO :loool:who was that little girl the ghost one i didnt see that in the old version hahathey're adding new characters and everything
where can i watch this online?
i use to watch it on this user's youtube
but their account is gone
i stopped on ep. 23
hi..i'm starting to upload 2009 bla boo tong on youtube starting from only 24 and far i have only 24 and 25 up, but i have 24-28 on my computer so i will be either posting 26-28 today, this week, next week, or when i have time... ^_^