Bo is already married and she is re-telling the event thru her flashback , her brother is also gay and dated Tah but they broke up . From what i gather in eps 1, she & her husband was living oversea but something happen and return back to Thailand (it can't be any other reason beside the fact her husband is gay haha), I don't think she loved her husband , it was due to financial problem within her own family that why she agreed to marry Tah. I think her feeling for Pawan started off with a crush , come on now , your boss is handsome & sexy , it's normal to have some sort of crushes , it look though it's her first time too, therefore she might never had experience love , that's why she seen bubbly , didn't AFF said in her interview , she couldn't suppress her feeling for Pawan , though she know it's wrong but she couldn't reject him, in the spoiler it mention because she wanted to be love by someone and have that feeling return .