Thank you all for sharing with me the most lovely and cute lakorn ever
I agree with you all that just everything was excellent starting from the funny cute scenes on the island to the bittersweet back in town.
The cast was superb noch overacting or overdramatic and unrealistic scenes. The chemnistry between all the actors of course our favorite couple Nim/Mek, but also between the other couples Pakkard/P'Pong, N'Da/P'Chat, Kattha/N'Pat, Nim's parents were great. Everything just matched. I loved that most of the cast just tried to make the main couple happy
Pakkard/Jensuda: Agree with you guys. Why doesn't she get any N'ek role? She is pretty and acts very well. I would love to see her in a N'ek role. Every role she plays she performs really well. Her Pakkard was lovely and strong.
P'Pom/P'Job: P'Pom was just a perfect brother. If I would have a big brother I would love to have one like him, so caring and understanding and so funny

Of course, one of the most important charcters in this lakorn. I liked how he has done everything to make the people (Pakkard/Mek) he loves happy. Perhaps I should watch Nampueng Kom to see him in a different role.
N'Da: As I already mentioned in one of my former posts and some of you, too. N'Da has gone through the biggest character development. She grew from a spoiled brat to a thoughtful young lady who knows her path in life. The actress was great, I haven't known her before. Does anyone know her name?
Katha: Usually I don't like the 3rd hand in lakorns. They tend to stupidly stick to the N'ek and destroying everything although sometimes unwillingly and are more than just annoying. Here Katha was quite a cute character who showed Mek how worthful Nim is. Of course he did make some mistakes because he didn't know his heart but he did good things to both Nim and Mek.
Ruttha/Jieb: Our silent killer. We all hated her so much

But at least she was not one of the unintelligent just spoiled and loud crying N'rais. Usually you just can't believe how a P'ek can trust those hysteric N'rais, here Mek did have noch joice Ruttha was so intelligent and quiet in what she did. You could understand Mek why he had to rescue her so often instead of stand by Nim.
Nim/Cherry: There is nothing to say about this excellent actress Cherry. Her gestures and facial expressions were so good. I remember in one scenes on the island when she just played with her eyes ("You really want to take advantage of me?") and Mek and me also just melted away. I already said it once her Nim is one of the most lovely and adorable characters in the whole lakorn world: cute, lovely, strong. (I would love to see Cherry in a Thai version of Pride and Prejudice, she would be a perfect Lizzy and Chakrit of course the perfect Mr. Darcy.)
Mek/Chakrit: wow, wow, wow. Chakrit showed again that he is one of best actors Thailand offers. For me he is the best. His crying, his jealousy, his laughter, his anger, everything is just so convincing plus he is supersexy. His Mek is a man no woman can resist :wub: Is there no lakorn in the line except of Nuer Mek and Rongram Pee? Want to see more of him.
So sad, this Jumleuy Kamathep ended yesterday with a perfect end which was not just a cute but stupid ending scene any lakorn has but refers to Nim and Mek's whole story with Nim walking in Mek's foot prints.
Will there be any lakorn which can replace now the lakorn hole in my part... I think there will be some nice lakorns but none I will anticipate that much as this one.
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with us.
Thank you Jib for posting all the cute pics from JLK and Cherry and Chakrit.
Thank you Kayla with all your translation of the special scenes which helped a lot of us to understand everything better.
Thank you Rakry for posting the tranlations from Pantip.