I got born again back in 2006. I looked at the evidence and became more convinced which lead me to Christianity. So for 4 years I did my research and still am today. There will always be controversies in everything. So you’re saying because there are controversial in the bible and in Christianity, therefore we should not believe it? It is a fact that different churches disagree on certain things because we have different interpretations of things in the scriptures. But as long as we believe the “key” doctrines, then we are a believer. It does effect whether or not someone is a Christian or not. It just mean we have different opinions about it. Not everybody will see eye to eye. What is important is that we all agree that Jesus is Lord, died for our sins, rose again, and that God loves us etc…You do not know because to you Christianity is close to perfection, 99% accuracy. You've made up your mind already. That will be a little assignment for you then...research!!! I'm sure you KNOW the study of science raises questions, disagreements, etc. Controversies in the Bible/controversies in Christianity is actually a very popular subject. Don't believe me? Google it. I mean different Christian churches can't even agree with each other. Let's take the death penalty for an example. Most Evangelical religious leaders support it. However, other churches are against it. What I'm trying to say is, it's what the people in the churches are getting from their preachers. All preachers are supposedly God's messengers, yet they preach different things. They're taking what's in the Bible and reiterating in their own words, their own perspectives. How is any of that consistent with what really is in the Bible?
You are all for the pros and claims to know nothing about the cons of Christianity. Like I said, you've already made up your mind. I feel it is a waste of my time and everybody's time to educate you. You can say likewise about me. I just wanted to point out the discrepencies I've heard of and read about. I am not saying any of this because it is convenient to say. I am no expert in Bible studies or in any religious studies. I study humanitarian and different religious groups in a broad perspective. I do not know everything, but do pay attention to issues that are intriguing to me. Issues that you, a dedicated Christian might overlook.
Everybody is a sinner before God. Every sins committed under the OT, God wiped them off. Reason why people support death penalty is because they still want to follow OT Mosaic law that God gave them. In the NT, Jesus came to save and forgive sins and he replace the Mosaic law with love. The law was still in effect at the time of Jesus. It wasn’t until after his resurrection, God saved us by grace, not by observing the Mosaic law. That is why people do not want to support death penalty. See the difference? You got DEATH on one side, and GRACE on the other side. But the truth is, no man can live up to God’s standard. We are now usher into the age of grace preaching the love of Jesus to the world. Not killing and stoning people to death - that was all done away with! The bible is very consistence. It is not if you taken things out of context. Also when people like to do what they want other than what the bible says then you have a problem. You have to see it with your heart.
I know the cons. Every bible believing Christians knows this. The cons are mostly misrepresented in the public media because there those who appose religion and what it has done. Religion tend to bind people up and I do agree. But those that appose religion are also stubborn. Jesus came to set the captives free. Christianity is good, it brought a lot of great principles into the world. Nowhere does we’re commanded to kill or harm people. We are told to love our enemies. I didn’t made up my mind. I knew this stuff already. Look at yourself. You study Humanitarian. Secular Humanist are secular they don’t believe in God. Stalin was a humanist he persecuted religious people. Chimpanzees fights all the time in the animal world. It’s a self hungry human nature woman. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove? Even if people dont believe in God, they disagree all the time. OMG why?