[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


sarNie Adult
lol! You gals are amazing to make the thread jump! We're almost at 100! I think we can do it tonight! I'm super excited to watch it! Toon will you become a better man after you get shot! lol!

I didn't read all the comments because there is to many to look at the moment maybe later.

At Rice, I totally wanted the big one but wanted the smaller one because I wanted to put it on my desk but only saw the big one. Lol if I find the small one I'll buy it too! :lolyup:

It's going to air in an hour! Yay!!!!! I can't wait!! I will post the summary after the episode ends just to let you gals know unless you want me to update it as we go, every time the commercials come on I can post it. Let me know and I'll do it hoe you gals want it.


sarNie Oldmaid
lol! You gals are amazing to make the thread jump! We're almost at 100! I think we can do it tonight! I'm super excited to watch it! Toon will you become a better man after you get shot! lol!

I didn't read all the comments because there is to many to look at the moment maybe later.

At Rice, I totally wanted the big one but wanted the smaller one because I wanted to put it on my desk but only saw the big one. Lol if I find the small one I'll buy it too! :lolyup:

It's going to air in an hour! Yay!!!!! I can't wait!! I will post the summary after the episode ends just to let you gals know unless you want me to update it as we go, every time the commercials come on I can post it. Let me know and I'll do it hoe you gals want it.

Can i request you to update summary everytime the commercials come?? :rolleyes1:


sarNie OldFart
lol! You gals are amazing to make the thread jump! We're almost at 100! I think we can do it tonight! I'm super excited to watch it! Toon will you become a better man after you get shot! lol!

I didn't read all the comments because there is to many to look at the moment maybe later.

At Rice, I totally wanted the big one but wanted the smaller one because I wanted to put it on my desk but only saw the big one. Lol if I find the small one I'll buy it too! :lolyup:

It's going to air in an hour! Yay!!!!! I can't wait!! I will post the summary after the episode ends just to let you gals know unless you want me to update it as we go, every time the commercials come on I can post it. Let me know and I'll do it hoe you gals want it.
like what Lady Dila said, anything for the KA TEAM :numchuck:

thank you soo much iluvjin..i am excited to read your summaryy :grouphug:


sarNie Adult
Okay then I'll update my summary as the commercials come on! I'm super excited to do it today for some reason! I have a midterm tomorrow so I think that I'll study after this episode airs! I'm avoiding it! lol! Don't worry the test is just short answers.


sarNie OldFart
Okay then I'll update my summary as the commercials come on! I'm super excited to do it today for some reason! I have a midterm tomorrow so I think that I'll study after this episode airs! I'm avoiding it! lol! Don't worry the test is just short answers.
thank you!!! We all want you to pass too!

I can't wait to see what happens after Toon gets shot.
I hope he realizes that he should tell Lan that he loves her
before its too late.


sarNie Adult
Just read that Ken is ordaining this month! I feel happy for him, he wants to do it and he will be able to get a break. It funny that he say he doesn't care who carries his pillow. Ann? Noi? His son? lol! I think for sure that Noi will be doing it.

Yay! Just minutes away from epi 12!!


sarNie OldFart
Just read that Ken is ordaining this month! I feel happy for him, he wants to do it and he will be able to get a break. It funny that he say he doesn't care who carries his pillow. Ann? Noi? His son? lol! I think for sure that Noi will be doing it.

Yay! Just minutes away from epi 12!!
i read from dirtii laundry that Noi couldn't hold his pillow because she is his wife? Or maybe i read it wrong? lol

I am happy for him too!! He is ordaining 9 days after his birthday too :dance2:

Yay!! Have fun watching ep.12..
take your time to do the summary :thumbup:


sarNie Adult
Epi 12 Summary:

Wat questions Poompadin asking if he did marry Racha because of love. He says yes he did. But Wat plays the video of him beating up Racha. Racha is super happy. Poompadin is not happy and say that it isn't true. Wat then brings out the recording of him threatening racha. Toon is happy at how the case is going. The case is over and Poompadin says that there is no way she is going to win over him. As he leaves he glares at Toon. the 22o day Toon is working and so is Lan. Wat still likes Lan. Thy sees and leads him away. Lan looks at their wedding picture she misses him. Toon looks at his phone to call Lan but hesitates. Toon's father, Thy and Wit watches them as they thinbk of eachother. Day 250 Lans pances around and asks why Toon didn't call her. She tells thy that she really wants to call Toon and say that losing Toon is better than nothing. The case is finally ending. Racha gets what she wants and Poompadin is pissed! He hates his lawyer for losing the case. Racha thanks Toon and stops him from leaving that she'll be by his side. He tells her that they are just friends and nothing more. Racha is not having it! Wat and Nid go on a date and Racha stops her to rub it in her face but Nid barks back saying that she knows what Toon knows of her and that Wat wants to take care of her and that Racha should know Toon doesn't like her. Poompadin is pissed. He can't stand it that Toon messed up his life. He calls his goon. Something is going down. Toon goes home to his dads house and sees lan waiting for him. Lan congrats him for wining the case and say she is about to say something else some guy on the motorcycle drives up and pulls a gun.

Lan shouts and Toon pulls her aways to run. The guy rins after the, into the yard. They both hide and ask at the same time if they are okay and hug. Toon tries to call the cops but his battery is dead. Lan runs out ot grab her phone that had dropped and is spotted by the gunman Toon blocks the shot. His dad comes out and hots the guy and he runs. In the ambulance the people talk so much. he is slowly stops breathing. Lan cries as the doctor tryes to get his heart pumping. Lan pushes him away and tries to to make him breath. She cries that she is sorry but his heart beat doesn't come back. Toon's dad cries and Lan cries, and then suddenly his heart starts beating. The hospital is super slow. lol! As they bring him to the ER the nurse stops Lan from. Ting yells at Lan and ask her why she was there. Lan said she was there to spoligize. Lan cries and sees the doctor. They tell them that he lost a lot of blood but he is okay. Shit the tv just went out for a short second! Wat and Nid comes to visist. He tells them that the must report it. Poompadin does a new deal but Racha comes in to stop him saying that for him to do anything it must go through her. The dude is pissed and leaves. Poompadin is pissed and is told by his goon about sometime. He laughs and shows her that Toon was shot. How big was the case? Racha is pissed and knows that it was him. She punches him and leaves. he tells his goon to check if he's really dead. Racha comes in and Ting pushes her away. Racha protests and tells tells Lan to leave since it was her fault. Toon wakes up and sees racha, he calls for Lan but when they turn around she is no where to be seen. Lan returns to work and Wit and Thy ask her if she is okay. Lan tells them that Toon almost died because of her. She cries that it's her fault if she didn't marry him nothing would've happened like it did that day. Wit asks her if she love Toon and she tells him she does. She thinks back in what the psychic tells her and she touches his face and thanks him and goes back to see Toon.

Ting gives food to Toon and he asks where Lan went. She tells her that she doesn' know. He wonders where she is Ting also worries too. Lan's mother, Da and Win comes to see him and he asks her. He asks where she is Ting tells him that is is oaky , Toon is super worried about Lan thinking that she is injured and wants his phone to call Lan. He dad tells him to calm down. Ting takes Da out and asks where Lan is. Da tells her that she didn't go home. The mother blames Ting because she was wrong, she leaves and tells them that shes going to look for Lan. Lan is at the hospital and just misses Ting who comes around the corner. Ting sees her and tells her to see Toon She is scared and blames herself. Ting tells her to go see him because he is not dead but if he doesn't see her he might just die. Toon is super worried and anxious. Ting pushes lan to go in. Lan runs over and hugs him apoligizing. Toon's dad stops Ting and takes her out of the room. Saying she should stay out of the room. Toon asks her why she is apoloigizing and she tells him that if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be there injured. He tells her that its not her fault and kisses her. They hug! Racha comes and P'ting sees her and stops her saying her to not go in. Racha doesn't listen and goes in saying she is in a hurry. Racha tells them that its Poompadin for sure. Poompadin is pissed and beats the shooter for not killing Toon. The police comes in and tells him that he is being called. Racha stops the shooter and offers him something for not leaving and tells him that he can do whatever he wants. Poompadin pays the shooter to leave in which he does but Poompadin has something else up his sleeve.

more coming!


sarNie OldFart
Epi 12 Summary:

Wat questions Poompadin asking if he did marry Racha because of love. He says yes he did. But Wat plays the video of him beating up Racha. Racha is super happy. Poompadin is not happy and say that it isn't true. Wat then brings out the recording of him threatening racha. Toon is happy at how the case is going. The case is over and Poompadin says that there is no way she is going to win over him. As he leaves he glares at Toon. the 22o day Toon is working and so is Lan. Wat still likes Lan. Thy sees and leads him away. Lan looks at their wedding picture she misses him. Toon looks at his phone to call Lan but hesitates. Toon's father, Thy and Wit watches them as they thinbk of eachother. Day 250 Lans pances around and asks why Toon didn't call her. She tells thy that she really wants to call Toon and say that losing Toon is better than nothing. The case is finally ending. Racha gets what she wants and Poompadin is pissed! He hates his lawyer for losing the case. Racha thanks Toon and stops him from leaving that she'll be by his side. He tells her that they are just friends and nothing more. Racha is not having it! Wat and Nid go on a date and Racha stops her to rub it in her face but Nid barks back saying that she knows what Toon knows of her and that Wat wants to take care of her and that Racha should know Toon doesn't like her. Poompadin is pissed. He can't stand it that Toon messed up his life. He calls his goon. Something is going down. Toon goes home to his dads house and sees lan waiting for him. Lan congrats him for wining the case and say she is about to say something else some guy on the motorcycle drives up and pulls a gun.

more coming!
thank you for the summary..
ohmygee..by the sound of it...
365 is ending sooon :( :cry1: