[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


Expired Sarnie
I will spam Soot Sanaeha when I rewatch that. I watched it half with sub and half without. I know the English sub has been completely about 2-3 months ago. Will watch when I have the time. And then I will spam like crazy.


sarNie Oldmaid
Talking about SSH,i miss ALIN TIPPIYADA...
That is the cutest role ANN ever acted! i like the way she call 'Kru Cook"..Its sound so cute..
And here,when she call "Toon aaa".. :rolleyes1: .


sarNie Adult
I can't get over the scene before Lan leave Toon. So touching. I watch again and again and can't stop crying. OMG so saddd. Someone give me tissues please. Rremind me the scene in Manee Yah Fa before she leave Willy. So sadddd. Great performance from Lan and love the song singing by Tong.


sarNie Oldmaid
I can't get over the scene before Lan leave Toon. So touching. I watch again and again and can't stop crying. OMG so saddd. Someone give me tissues please. Rremind me the scene in Manee Yah Fa before she leave Willy. So sadddd. Great performance from Lan and love the song singing by Tong.
I'm gonna to rewatch it now..I can't wait for this wednesday.. :dance2:


sarNie Adult
Yes. Me too can't wait for Wednesday. Want to see Toon more agressive toward Lan. Hope the ending will satisfy me and I'm sure I will cry with them. Surely Toon will say the 3 words that people waiting for. I :heart: you. The most memorable ending is sawan Biang. OMG I'm sad that Wednesday is the last part. Nothing to watch after that, until Ann confirm her new lakorns.


sarNie Oldmaid
Yeah nothing to watch after this wednesday..just waiting for award show and rewatch all ann's lakorn i'll try to continue spam in here and the other thread..


sarNie Hatchling
oh wow!!!! this thread jumped like no other!!! nice work guys!!! :thumbsup:

watever that tv pool poll says! its always KA for me no one else! :dance1: :rockon: :blahblah:


sarNie Hatchling
Yeah nothing to watch after this wednesday..just waiting for award show and rewatch all ann's lakorn i'll try to continue spam in here and the other thread..
same here... i really hope they will release dvds with eng sub so i can buy it!!!

coz i really want a clear version of all their lakorns...

for SB i downloaded all the eng episodes from youtube and put them all together on my video editing program... so i can watch it as one! lol

i'm about to do the same for SSH and 365 days...


sarNie Hatchling
Just searching around youtube and saw the clip of top tv poll for this week..... so I rewtached it and read all the comments....... and I still can't believe Anne lost to Yaya.
I know it is about lakorn popularity but STILL!!! :shock2:
Oh well, at least a lot of ppl on youtube agree with us that it was shocking for Ann to lose to a newbie.

I wonder how her and Ken are feeling that their #1 title in tv poll got taken away. I know it isn't a big deal or anything... but they have been #1 ever since OR (I believe).. .or at least every time they are paired up together they conquer the number 1 spot.

so sad :tearybye:

As hard as it is for me to say this.... but
I think Ann and Ken should play one more lakorn together and hopefully it will be a big hit. And then they should leave the Prang Nangs (Main character) roles. Because if they stay too long in the entertainment industry... someday,someone will take their titles away and I don't think I can accept it.

So I want someone else to be able to only receive the #1 Actor and Actress title because Ann and Ken are no longer in the competition.

Of course I wish they could act forever and continue to be on top but in reality... that isn't going to happen.

So I rather have them leave with the title then leave because someone else took it. :nono1:

Hope you guys aren't mad that I just said I want them to play one last lakorn together :sweat:


sarNie Hatchling
And I know.. I can't believe 365 is ending. I don;t know what to watch after this.

I think I am going to rewatch 365 from beginning to end in one week. and then rewatch SB.


sarNie Adult
All good things must come to a end some how and some where. I know it's a little bit early to say that this is going to be their last lakorn together but I believe we will get another of their lakorns in the future. I can't wait to hear that in the future!

I want to so a KA lakorn marathon next week after finals are over. I'll stay in my room and watch it straight through the day only to leave to eat. lol! Who wants to join me? I'm gonna start with OR, go to SB, SSH, and then 365 day's of love. Maybe I'll watch RN to, not that big of a fan of that lakorn though. KA Su Su Na!

Also Happy Birthday to the King! And Happy Fathers day to my Dad!


sarNie Adult
So I rather have them leave with the title then leave because someone else took it. :nono1:

Hope you guys aren't mad that I just said I want them to play one last lakorn together :sweat:
totally understand what you are saying here!!!!
and i agree.
KA should have another hit,and then leave us wanting more.
It might be cruel to us,but i prefer that way.


sarNie Oldmaid
totally understand what you are saying here!!!!
and i agree.
KA should have another hit,and then leave us wanting more.
It might be cruel to us,but i prefer that way.

Totally agreed..I hope their last lakorn will be :slapandkissse3:..
Now i'm thinking for Top Award next year..
Did 4 newbie from 4 huajai will got nominated and compete against KA..
If so,its sound interesting ha...
Aum-Nadech-Mark-Boy-Ken for Best Actor..
Kim-Yaya (The other 2 i don't know who she is ) -ANN for best actress...

But i think they'll got nominated for Best Newcomer..


sarNie Oldmaid
Btw,Anon said we should leave our input about KA at pantip because the producer and director view that site to check about feedback..
I want to but i don't know Thai..
Someone who knows Thai please leave something in there and don't forget to link this site too..
So they'll know KA have a worldwide fans...

I hope they will remake this lakorn..
Look at the pra ek, he :r-scene-pop-corn: nang ek everywhere.. :nailbiter: :nailbiter:
credit : Anon

I think KA doesn't have the problem because they already did :w-scene-pop-corn: scene everywhere,so why not once again they do :r-scene-pop-corn: everywhere.. :facepalm: :coverlaf:


sarNie Oldmaid
Just noticed about this..maybe its just me but Ken looks like he want to kiss ANN.. :rolleyes1:
4:42 - 4:45..

ps: i'm boring so i come here and spamming alone.. :ghehe:


Expired Sarnie
i tried to register at pantip but you need a social security number or something which i cannot obtain. i cant read thai either but sometimes you can leave feedback.

i honestly dont want this to be their last lakorn, if they were to do one last final lakorn, please let ken be a sadist. and instead of a :r-scene-pop-corn: and a :w-scene-pop-corn: I hope to see Ken and Anne do Rscene turn willing. And not just one :baby-scene-pop-corn: but two. twins, triplets even better. they must have a really good one. it doesnt havent to be next year, i can wait 2 because i know there's a lot of complaints with the ken-anne pair. what? hey these two have chemistry, talents, good looks, what can you say? they are one of the best on screen couple ever.


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
Btw,Anon said we should leave our input about KA at pantip because the producer and director view that site to check about feedback..
I want to but i don't know Thai..
Someone who knows Thai please leave something in there and don't forget to link this site too..
So they'll know KA have a worldwide fans...

I hope they will remake this lakorn..
Look at the pra ek, he :r-scene-pop-corn: nang ek everywhere.. :nailbiter: :nailbiter:
credit : Anon

I think KA doesn't have the problem because they already did :w-scene-pop-corn: scene everywhere,so why not once again they do :r-scene-pop-corn: everywhere.. :facepalm: :coverlaf:
Omg! This was crazt, intense, & did i mention Horrible! ROFL The song was so scary i had to mute it. ahahhaha
Eekk. I find this lakorn weird and kind of hard to watch. He is a SUPER SADIST! ahahha
Maybe if Ken & Ann plays it, i'll be more less stressful to watch. Lol If they ever make a remake of this lakorn, please do change it a bit. ahah ;P

i tried to register at pantip but you need a social security number or something which i cannot obtain. i cant read thai either but sometimes you can leave feedback.

i honestly dont want this to be their last lakorn, if they were to do one last final lakorn, please let ken be a sadist. and instead of a :r-scene-pop-corn: and a :w-scene-pop-corn: I hope to see Ken and Anne do Rscene turn willing. And not just one :baby-scene-pop-corn: but two. twins, triplets even better. they must have a really good one. it doesnt havent to be next year, i can wait 2 because i know there's a lot of complaints with the ken-anne pair. what? hey these two have chemistry, talents, good looks, what can you say? they are one of the best on screen couple ever.
Ahahha You're so funny. I want that too. We should go complain about it. lol
Protest time yo! We need to bring back the Sadist days! I swear. The last time i watched a sadist lakorn was Sawan Biang!
Other than Sawan Saang, it didn't have any R but attempted ones which i don't count as Sadist. ahah
But it was straight up weird. lol Oh these "Sawan" lakorns. ahahha

im so tired, it's almost 2 in the morning.
Almost 2? Lucky. It's almost 5am at my place. ): I should go to sleep now too. ahahha Go get some rest, okay? :)

Btw, I was youtubing Joot Aun Kaung Chun Too Tee Hua Jai and i came across so many vdos of people, daras, singing this song this year.
I was surprise because it's been 2 years since this song came out in Sawan Biang! I'm happy people still remembers this song and the lakorn! :D
Sawan Biang, Long Live the Lakorn! xD


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
lol, Rose you are a bad girl! :coverlaf: Don't worry I watched manee yad fah when I was like 11. I got exposed to Ann kissing then and love watching her lakorns! I love it even more now that it's with Ken! lol! I've seen R scenes since I was younger but never really thought about it since I was not sure what they were doing. lol. I watched Baan Sai Tong when I was younger and loved Joy!

I'm gonna go Lakorn hunting this week when I'm free studying from finals!
Ahah ;P I never saw the kissing scene in MYF! Crazy! ahaa
Ken & Ann = Hotness! :pervie: :censor: lol
:whahuh: You're so funny! You didn't understand it before but now you do. When I first saw these kind of scenes, i thought :censor: actually happened. :lolyup:
I never liked Bai Sai Tong! It was just too blah for me. Maybe i should give it another shot since i was it when i was younger. Maybe i'll go back and watch it one day. :coverlaf:

Btw, Ya'll still voting? I feel so lonely in here now. lol I'll go to sleep now.
Good Night na :D