yay!!!I'm done with this lakorn! I Love it! It is so sad at the ending.
I can't believe Aum
is still a player.Well,lets not call it a player but something else.ah. I get this lakorn 8/10.
Its not too bad.Some part was dragged and I didn;t like it how they didn't show what happen to
my man First at the end.Also, they didn't show like a little parts of First and his younger
half sister how she turn out to be a good person.First have never forgive her.So, those are
some parts I thought they should've shown.But overall, this is a good lakorn. I will miss Ploy
acting in here.She did a Good Job!!! Same goes to Rita and Aum.But especially Ploy! Her acting
Goodbye, Pimmala!!!ha.