Ahh I love the way Ploy thinks and turn down her enemies!when reirai stared in mockery and challenge at the dripping wet duangkae and told her that taking someone down is done by knowing their weakness, i was like: NOW THIS IS THE PLOY I KNOW!!! the guy rowing the boat sure must be awkward.
my mom keeps gettting piss that this hasn't end yet and that it's going in circles and calling everyone stupid. i personally enjoy it, but i agree with a lot of the previous comments that there's a degree of epicness that's missing. i keep comparing Khun Suk to Luerd Kattiya that i'm not getting the satisfcation of their class difference forbidden love. i think with the hype and budget, i am dissapointed. i'm waiting for the finale to bring more judicial satisfcation. can't wait for sema as the top dog and watch all the rais crumble. i'm most interested in how duangkae's fate will end like.
going to go bother my mom to watch Marnya Rissaya's premiere with me. she refuses to tolerate the emoness and over-complicated and over-castfill plotlines of ch5 lakorns. she felt asleep watching Dok Doke's finale yesterday.
So does your mom like the drama?