I am so in love with the song you share to us!Oh, you guys. Haha. I feel appreciated. Funny. I was just thinking of going away for a long hiatus and avoid the forums too. But I wanted to share this song. I've been listening to it on repeat. Such a pleasant feeling.
Copy and paste from a pm I sent to my friend.
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MINT don't leave us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know studies, work and life is starting to get crazy...but don't leave us!!!!!
Oh and i love this song!!!!
i've been listening to it lately tooo.
his one of my fav new artist.
the lyrics are just great =)
I just watched an interview of Chalida, it was on the day of the Khun Chai opening, but they talked about her Birthday, Pupa and of course her close Brother....Mark. =D (but only a little)
If you've seen the huge teddy bear on her ig, it was given to her from her friends, including Pupa, a joint pressie. ummm....sorrry OT
so true^^^Mark is like hogging the whole cake. There's barely any picture of Mint with her cake. lol Mint should just give it to him just to be nice...bet Mark is thinking that way. lol
Anyways, gahh! They're too funny and cute!Their infamous shoulder to shoulder...oh how I miss that. lol I wonder how Mark feels like having to wear that Champion shirt all the time. Haha They must of had bought him more than a dozen. lol kidding.
But thanks for sharing! They're so irresistible.lol
HAHAHA^^^Mark is probably holding the cake because
#1: He really wants to eat that cake
#2: No one else will hold it for him
#3: He's being a gentleman to Chalida. (He won't let anything happen to the cake)
Fan: Oh I can hold it.
Chalida: :angry: :girlmad:
Mark: :shrug: I'm just trying to keep it safe honey. Now smile at the camera it's your birthday. :hapbday:ervie:
(what Mark is thinking :kiss2: )
(reality: :smack: Mint gives him a lecture)
Cute :coolpix: No Wonder Y Mark Called Mint A BratMint finally posting her pic with Jame
he actually handsome if you ask me, but you have to look at him for along time to know, he not like Mark. When you look at P'Mark you know immediately that he handsomeLove Jame smile