The first ep. was alright but second ep. got interesting. i like Rote and Yanin's characters the most:strong, talk back, like a leader of the gang. Rote is tough can kill the ghosts even though can't see it but was told by her friends who can see it which they all help eachother out which is a good combination of all their senses together. i like Aont character too, cute loving bro to his sister and like a bro to all 4 girls too and believe in the girl's powers. funny he hate the doctor guy but will end up with his sister. he's like the middle guy who know all 3 guys, bring the guys to meet the a cupid. so annoy by that penny girl wanna punch her haha. and annoy by Louis and Great too for making fun of the girls. i know it's hard to believe they have 6th sense but shouldn't insult them about it though. both couples bicker too much, there should be a cute sweet couple too, hope Nate/the doctor guy is the cute couple. hope Aont end up with one of the girls, Gam or Kun but someone say he'll end up with Gam, so Kun has no couple, sad. they should have all couples for all 5 girls. this lakorn kinda remind me of Ch7 lakorn with the 5 girls, benja kita kwam ruk, but all have couples though.