I do feel bad for Nappa the scene when she runs to the shower and cried out loud cause she found out her husband’s new mistress turns out to be Mootha. She cried alone and was very hurt. She should be beating her husband, not Mootha and divorce him.
I just think that Nappa and Mootha deserved all the things that is happening to them. Mootha already knew that he was married why she messing with him in the first place. The wife she deserve a life like that if she doesnt like it than just divorce with him but she decided to stay. She put herself in this situation.
The reason I feel bad for Mootha is her relation with her mother.The mom was too harsh...my heart goes to Janie....i feel sooooo bad for her. She doesn't seem to have any sympathy for her daughter and be understandable.
Can't wait next week Moonin she came back for revenge for her little sister, because mootha killed herself, and Moonin is mad, so she's here to find out who made her sister commit suicide, so she can take revenge!