mm i like aff, actually i saw wanida tik and aff, then i like aff, i follow her lakorn then i found smart then i follow smart then i found ann lol.
then i stick with these couple smart and ann, then i found these thread ha!.
big thank you to swatennat. she/he like smart and ann too.
since these thread about qi pao / smart n ann why not talk about them.

ok back to the qi pao , is damn hell scary me at 3am ..
i was ok if the ghost like maylee.. no issue cos i have seen the real ghost in real life.
but the ghost in the car damn hell scary.. is similar to the real one suck!.
so in the next episode is gonna be that ghost around erkkk...will watch day time only.
back to the killer, i believed the killer was wearing the broken bracelet, the mirror was the clue.
but it wasn't pra'ek and his parents and wasn't the maids as well. the rest still in suspects.
i like pra'ek kinda playful with nang'ek he teasing her .. day by day lol. that is funny.
and that scary ghost why in the car?.. is it the elder bro. ,,... and whom is another white night dress.erkk.. the ghost were mysterious..other than may lee well as .The suspects, if pra'ek step sister khun nu, doesn't make sense what her motive, her mother 2nd wife what her motive?. erkk..or maybe it was the elder lover the gay ?. erkk.. have to wait next episodes for more clue.right now i only knew paeka must find the broken bracelet.that bracelet must be broken due to hit into the mirror. khun mae and khun mae's maid (khun siu) will help her out.the suspect must wearing the broken bracelet .if she found.. need to makesure it is wasn't exchange! many trick actually in this lakorn.. look simple but is not that simple. i can smell the trick, since at episode shows only pra'ek wearing the green jade bracelet, but in 2nd episode woahhh.. damn it.. clue is the mirror.