7270 Nov 10, 2008 you a scorpio? that's scary! happy belated bday! sorry for the lateness. i didn't know it was your bday a few days ago. hope you had fun! XD
you a scorpio? that's scary! happy belated bday! sorry for the lateness. i didn't know it was your bday a few days ago. hope you had fun! XD
lady0fdarkness Nov 9, 2008 gosh I am so late.. but hppy belated birthday Noy.. hope your wishes come true!
aikoden Oct 29, 2008 hey noy.. i just wanted to wish you a happy bday ..have a blast .. 21..xp.. -aiko
tastesweetlove Oct 29, 2008 heehee i noticed...i forgot to add that you are now legal to drink...have fun..but not TOO much fun lol
heehee i noticed...i forgot to add that you are now legal to drink...have fun..but not TOO much fun lol
tastesweetlove Oct 29, 2008 hey just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday...have a super duper one...i hope you have/had a great day too...^^
hey just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday...have a super duper one...i hope you have/had a great day too...^^
choo Oct 12, 2008 ahh! is that dennis oneil on your avie!!??haha yes! i have myspace! add me! www.myspace.com/wasopfab kkk sorry i've been MIA for soo long! //
ahh! is that dennis oneil on your avie!!??haha yes! i have myspace! add me! www.myspace.com/wasopfab kkk sorry i've been MIA for soo long! //
ChenrukNote Sep 25, 2008 I've been pretty hot! And I'm talking about the temperature now k not myself haha!
cecilia Sep 22, 2008 lol. noy, you're too funny, thank you for the wish. LOl .. i'm not 18, just put 1990 there to avoid seeing them big figures
lol. noy, you're too funny, thank you for the wish. LOl .. i'm not 18, just put 1990 there to avoid seeing them big figures
aikoden Aug 28, 2008 awwwe.. thanks noy... you have a great day too ok.. love ya.. -aiko.. p.s. some of my friends bdays are the same as mines hehe xp ..>_< .. lol.. a coincidence lol..
awwwe.. thanks noy... you have a great day too ok.. love ya.. -aiko.. p.s. some of my friends bdays are the same as mines hehe xp ..>_< .. lol.. a coincidence lol..
choo Aug 6, 2008 noyyy<3<3 how's your summer going!??? ye, i'll be back soon..ehhe or today <3 miss you too chong
P P pink_juliet_kashie Jul 18, 2008 Noy jah..miss u! i hope everything goes well so u can come back to spam w/ us...we need you Super Spam Girl!!
Noy jah..miss u! i hope everything goes well so u can come back to spam w/ us...we need you Super Spam Girl!!