Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Oh I see. I’m still not familiar with her. Are there pics of her before??? She does look like a guy. But kudos to LGBTQ family!!Mor Jeab, Jeab Lalana, used to be Miss Teen and she's a lesbian now. She's very cute and handsome, usually a gmm25 nangek. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmSROQwnpdb/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1vbz836bjgr3

Alright, just thought I would share this clip. It’s nothing new, but the reporters spazzing over M&M, their chemistry and repeating how much fans are anticipating the lakorn.
They did mention Mark will have his hair down, so yes~~ we are going to get Mark in his Korean hair/look