So cute of Mint to come visit her fellow Furby gang memberCorrect! They are indeed filming.and theres a special guest too!! 555555
scroll down to find out who is?!
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Muey. Cougar. Mafia Husband.
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And a special Furby friend visited the set! Lol. Mint surprised Mew. Lol
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Cr owners and Mints IG![]()
Thanks, it is fixedGood night. I hope your wifi is fixed soon.
Mark had a event Mark?
Yes, no Mark. But Mint visited instead lolno Mark?
Mew is there too her mom post the same place with Som,she just has a event this night.No, Mark is filming today lol he’s already garbing on his breakfast food lol
It’s looking like Mark and Mew are filming on separate days now. Hey~ it’s cool! I’d like me some (M&M) Mew and Mint alone time, too!! Lol
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Cr Ko’s IG
Ah, That’s cool.Mew is there too her mom post the same place with Som,she just has a event this night.
I dont think its bc herself made her a huge fc,Her BF the Rock star Toon is the HERO in Thailand,his charity Marathon was huge last yesr,he made billions donate to over 60 hospital.GMM made a documentary movie for him.Um, does anyone know Koy or a fan of hers?? I didn’t realize she’s got a huge fan club followers on IG too.
he has really lost too much weightSo recently Mark was asked by the media if he had gotten chin injections because his chin looks longer. He said he didn’t get any work done and it’s because of his weight loss that his chin looks longer. The poor boy has lost too much weight! I feel so bad for himit’s to the point people thought he’s gotten work done on his face