How many times did my heart flutter today? Omg... Khun Than and Lada were so cute! FINALLY, Mon's real face is revealed! No more her coming to the house then. How dare she yell at Lukkaew! Look how quick she revealed her true self when Khun Than heard everything. Please never come back

I love love loooove how Lada grabbed Khun Than's hand and pulled him with her out of the room, haha. It was so precious. First time Lada initiates anything with him. & the scene where Lukkeaw asked why her daddy doesn't sniff(?) kiss Lada goodbye, hahaha. My heart was literally about to stop. I had to pause and calm myself down just in case he actually did do it. LOL. Cause if he did, I wouldn't had been here to write a review. Khun Than was down for it too lmao. he looked up at Lada almost expectantly. but of course, lada's too shy and said nopee. Yal already kissed, what's wrong with a couple sniff kisses eh Lada? Hair drying scene was cute with Lada having heart eyes for her husband hehe. Khun Than's too sweet of a husband.. <3 & i love how awkward lada is sometimes, she's so cute.
i feel so sad for P'Soun T-T I want her to be happy too. It's sad seeing her deal with her mom's crap. ugh.