Well he has a history of being a really big douche bag when it comes to relationships. He used to date this girl named Grace and I guess Porshe did something that really pissed her family off and they broke up but then they got back together a couple weeks after that. Her family was veryyy upset about her getting back with him and she didn’t care about their feelings and continued to date him. They basically like disowned her for it and then eventually Porsche dumped her and said that he didn’t have time for a relationship and that they slowly grew apart. Then flash forward literally less than two months after their break up he started publicly dating an actress named PimDao. Like what? You didn’t have time for a relationship but then two months later you’re already in another one. There were rumors that that reason her family hated him was because he might have used to abuse her. Also when he started dating this PimDao girl, PimDao went on a tv show and talked about her previous relationship with another actor named Great Warintorn and about how he never wanted to go public with her because she wasn’t a leading actress like him and only a supporting lead. She said it affected and hurt her a lot. After she gave that interview, the media started asking great if the ex she was talking about was him and he said yes that was me. After he admitted to the media that it was him, Porshe posted a message on his ig that basically said those with an old story should shut their mouths. Basically attacking great for answering a question that was brought upon him because his gf started talking about the situation first. Then him and his gf both publicly posted an apology letter on their igs and Pim kind of hinted that Porshe was mad at her because of what she said and shortly after that they broke up. Why? Because he cheated on her

Then the girl got back together with him even after he cheated on her. So yeah he’s a douche long story short