`my dragon's blood is blue`
He said he didn't have time for YY and their relationship but all the while he had time to go places with his "nong". Saying it was only right for colleagues to take care of one another. Uhmmm... tsktskSMH, excuse of a caught red handed cheater. Funny how his manager sent notice to all the media that he'll give an interview to clear everything then all of a sudden cancelled because Moddum gave him to safer platform to spews his lies to only have the pictures leaked as soon as the show ended. Man if YingYing have more proofs, she should just release them all. I mean he already tried to turn her into a delusional clingy ex. So much for "dek dee dek narak maaak".
I'm saying though, YY must have so much dirt. She even said he cheated once before. She must love him a lot to give him another chance... too bad he cheated again.