The boys and their coach explored this cave many times so it must be the flood that are the reason why they couldn't come out. According to their friends who didnt go, they said they were prepared to go exploring so they should have flashlights and some food but again the faster they are found, the better. So going into the cave, theres two ways you can go, left and right. They've been searching the left because its longer (6kilometers) with 2 (or maybe 3) cavern. They got to the second cavern but couldn't find anyone and unable to get to the 3rd because of how deep and long the passage is. The water is flooded to the ceiling so they said they may be able to go but they won't have enough oxygen to come back and the water in tha section is very muddy so they are unable to see. Many search teams are trying to look for other openings that they may be able to get through from the top of the mountain. Just yesterday a cave explorer from Laos suggest they look to right as well cus he said theres also a cavern there that does not flood all the way through.
So drama from this comes from Mo (Tangmo

) and Ohm KPN. Tangmo was bashing how they're taking so long and that if it was other country, the kids would have been found already. Ohm KPN was saying that the kids caused this drama all over the country and if this were his brothers he would tell people not to go look for them cus they are wasting money, time, and people. He said if they can go in themselves then they can come out themselves.