Ice's face is a face that's not of nothingness. Even those with horrible eyesight can make out that it's not normal. I wonder if someone would do a picture side by side of her when she was in the movie with Sunny and now. Not to be mean or anything but to let her see that there's nothing wrong with her before. Heck, someone in her circle should have done it.
Sad part is, she will never be satisfy with the outcome. Because once you do it it seemed you'll continue to keep up with the look. And unfortunately, it doesn't make them prettier but just weirder looking. Nothing about a bloated face, fish lips, no emotion is at all pretty but to them they think they are. If she keeps it up she'll be the first cat woman of Thailand...I mean, she's still young and it has gotten this bad imagine down the road when father time kicks in she's going to look worse. Sad though....