sarNie Egg
Will you do the eng sub? Or anyone else will do? Im so so so wanna watch this lakorn since i love andrew so much ><I would do it but still haven't finished NR and NA... and busy with studies
Will you do the eng sub? Or anyone else will do? Im so so so wanna watch this lakorn since i love andrew so much ><I would do it but still haven't finished NR and NA... and busy with studies
Im new fans of thai lakorn. Andrew is my favourite thai actor. He is so so good in acting. Im so so so in love with him now helpppppp me ><Actually I'm recently love him too. He just became one of my handsome actors![]()
Yes anything . Are you looking for his drama to watch ?Im new fans of thai lakorn. Andrew is my favourite thai actor. He is so so good in acting. Im so so so in love with him now helpppppp me ><
Im now watching his old lakorns~ still in the process catching up^^Yes anything . Are you looking for his drama to watch ?
Back then Andrew is more of a secretive person. He took a break from lakorn to pursued other things. I think coming back he is a changed person. He is more playful and open to his co-stars. Before he doesn't even find it necessary to hang around his co-stars lol. Unfortunately, for Matt he finds her annoying so there's not much to them hahahah. But on-screen they look good together.I love Andrew too. He's a good actor. I wonder why he didn't accept a lot of lakorns before during his younger years. Now he's coming back with lakorns back to back. Him and Anne could of paired up by then sigh. Such a waste
Andrew is the type that you have to give him time to warm up to you. He is not a very loud person and that's what Matt basically is lol. They are polar opposite and when she fangirl over him that sets the tone in how he sees her hahahah. I am Matt's fan but she can be so random and just out of place. Unless, someone value that kind of personality then she can easily annoys them lolInteresting, I didn't know Andrew found Matt annoying lol. I remember watching their first interaction at the fitting, Matt was hardcore fangirling and you could tell Andrew was like internally screaming, wanting her to chill out but since then whatever BTS clips I've seen of the two it looked like they got along just fine. The things you learn here lol.
Matt so cute hhh. But now they seems fine together, i think andrew already get use to it lol. I think andrew quite close with taew, in between those actress he is working with this few years. But im looking forward to the chemistry between andrew and matt. Even in the pics they look so sparking to me.Andrew is the type that you have to give him time to warm up to you. He is not a very loud person and that's what Matt basically is lol. They are polar opposite and when she fangirl over him that sets the tone in how he sees her hahahah. I am Matt's fan but she can be so random and just out of place. Unless, someone value that kind of personality then she can easily annoys them lol
Yeah, later on Matt probably have a feel of how he is so she relax and is a bit mature. Seeing her with Andrew is like seeing her with Tye when they were in kuan kamathep together. She gave him his space. Even interviews she is calm lol and Matt isn't a calm person in a sense she literally says outrageous things lol.
Imagine if Andrew and Matt gave an interview and she bust out dancing. Andrew would have given her a stupid look hahahah cause that's the type of stuff she does even as close as she was with Great when she does that he even gave her a "what the hell" are you doing look hahahah.
Only toward about a little more than halfway through the lakorn when Andrew warms up to her a bit but she was nowhere near as comfortable as he was with the likes of bella, ploy or Taew.
But I think they will have good chemistry. I have high hopes cause he seems to have good chemistry with those he doesn't care for lol
Yeah, just make it a little modern it would be better. It was good but a little slow to me after listening to it a few times. I hope they don't make it like La Ong Dao where it gets slower when Kong sang it but I love Billy's version. I can listen to his version all day long.I hope they use the old ost cus it was good.
Yeah, I wish they would keep the old ost for most remakes, but with a modern music. Like Klun Chivit, the original ost sounds so much better. It's been so long that I don't remember La Ong Dao ost.Yeah, just make it a little modern it would be better. It was good but a little slow to me after listening to it a few times. I hope they don't make it like La Ong Dao where it gets slower when Kong sang it but I love Billy's version. I can listen to his version all day long.
Hahaha It looks like it. The rate it is going might as well. I want it out like tomorrow lolMaybe the OST will be released after the drama airs lol.