Krasin saying sorry and didn't mean too sleep with Chat. The mom and daughter trying to make Krasin marry Chat. Da says it's an easy decision, just marry Chat. I loved when Da says she is giving Chat her man and also her bedroom since she can't even be in that room/sleep on the same bed that they had intercourse on haha. Da says let it end like this, there's so much more problems she has to deal with.
Da and Khem makeup. Khem apologizes to Da for not believing her sister. Da says she would never marry Krit and she's the type of person that doesn't need to marry anyone. Oh boy, will this change when she really has to marry Krit later this episode. Then Khem is going to think her sister is a straight up liar. Da says her family comes before anything and is the most important thing to her <3.
The family rejoices as the dad says he'll give up his business! Yay! They look like a happy family (not for long). They try to come up with new names for the business
Krit says they can have the business. He doesn't want it from people who give it up that easily anyways, "it's no fun". Hahah. Then rips up the contract.
He then tells Yada that he will stop with the whole business stuff, but stuff with Yada..he's not going to stop. it.
When Yada says, "I'd rather die than marry you" and Krit says "I told you before, it's your dad who's gonna die, not you". He says that her dad will die in jail with all the illegal stuff he's doing. The only way out is if Yada marries him. He also says in this scene he doesn't hit women...hahah. He also says that her dad might go missing today if she doesn't agree.
Her dad gets kidnapped. She decides she really has to marry him for the safety of her family

Da: what do you want?
Krit: short and simple, marriage.
Da: I won't marry you
Krit: Then you won't see your dad
Da has to shred all the documents of the business and there's a ton. She agrees to marry Krit to cover up the evidence and prevent her dad from getting hurt/going to jail.
Da: you know what I hate? guys who talk a lot
Krit: you want to know something? I only talk a lot to you
Da: I hate everything that is you, Shakrit.
If he waits for her to be ready, she will never be ready. They have 2 weeks to get married! Krit says he will take care of everything. He will only allow her to do a lot of work this night since she has to prepare and get ready for marriage!
Evil Krit comes and tells the dad that Da is going to marry him and that everyone should come attend the wedding! (Couldn't even wait, HAHA. Had to come right in the morning). The dad doesn't know what he did to Krit and says he'll pay him with money for everything he's done and Krit say's he has to pay him back with his life. Krit says that the wedding will be bigger than his and Khem's wedding and in the end, he'll be the dad's son-in-law regardless.
Everyone thinks Da is being forced but she says no, she really loves Krit. Da says she pleads for everyone to come to her wedding but her dad says hell no haha.